Can anyone tell me how to get a smoother and sharper animation?
Short answer : edit the IPO curves.
Long answer : What are you trying to animate? A character? … thing? robot? char?
Look at whatever object it is in real life and use a stopwatch to time the movement.
For a character, and most realistic cars, vehicles, etc, things do not stop and start instantly. They gradually accelerate, which when translated to an IPO curve means that you should see smooth gradual curves, not abrupt steep or jaggy lines.
it’s all in the way you setup the keys.
Box moves from point A to point B.
We can add a Key at frame 1 for point A, and a ket from point B at frame 10. The box will smoothly move from A to B.
A … B
1 … 10
But now lets say we want the box to move Fast to this point,
A … B
in 3 seconds and end up at 10 at B.
so you’d add a key a 1,3 and 10. So it’s VERY fast going from 1-3, because it has to cover a longer distance in those 3 frame… and Very slow from 3 to 10, because it needs to cover a smaller distance in 7 frames.
A … B
1 …3 .10
Point: it’s all in the way you setup the keys.
– or –
if you are refering to the fact the blender’s default is set to Exponential (Bezier) curve when going from frame 1 to 10 and you want to make it linear…
In the IPO curve editor.
- Select the curve
- Click Curve (from menu)
- Interpolation Mode
- Linear
Thanks for all your help everyone i guess i should of been more specific
i have a globe spining in one direction and curved text rotating in the opposite direction, id like it to be a sharper image not that its fuzzy just doesnt seem to have that great of resolution and in the animation i set it for 250 frames but it plays very quick is there any way to slow down the
speed of the rotations?
not sure if this will make it any clearer lol
The 250 frames setting has only an indirect effect on the speed. You’ll have to spread out your keyframes.
If you keyframe the globe at frame 1 with 0,0,0 rot, and then move to frame 30 and rotate it 10 degrees for example, then if your anim setting is 30 fps, you’ll get a ~10deg /sec rotation. If you had keyframed it at frame 3 instead, you’ll get a `10x faster rotation.
When you look at the animation curves in the IPO editor you can see graphically how they relate to time.
See the attached picture. The monkey on the left rotates 60 degrees in only 10 frames, while the one on the right takes 30 frames, therefore 3 times slower.
If you look at their respective IPO curves, for the same displayed range of 60 frames, the curve on the left is much steeper and narrower than the one on the right.