Smoothing a tube or sphere - like blowing air into a balloon

Hey again - back for more :slight_smile:

Im creating Bender (from Futurame ) and his body is pretty un-even.

My question is this: is there a way to smoothe the body without increasing the number of vertices? like making the faces (mesh?) inflate like a balloon?

The reason for this is that my computer (1800+ AMD + GF2pro card) has slowed to a crawl making him, because of the number of vertices i think.


you could try the smooth button. in edit mode/ edit buttons, with the relevant vertexes selected. It may or may not do what you want.

you could try the smooth button. in edit mode/ edit buttons, with the relevant vertexes selected. It may or may not do what you want.

Im trying to avoid the smooth button because it will make the body smaller.
In light of Blender being vast in odd buttons and effects i thought there was a way to inflate a mesh or the faces in some way…

You can try sub surf button. It’s amazing, but you actually do increase the number of verts when you do that, BUT you can go back an forth, look at it subsurfed, back to fewer verts to work on project some more, but when it’s time for final render, you sub it again.

Using SubSurf can make your m odels look so wonderful! Try it out!


Use smooth and then after it’s smooth enough, use alt+skey (shrink/fatten, sizes the object based on vertex normals rather than object center). That should take care of the problem. You should try modelling him with subsurf, as IngieBee suggested, but start from scratch you will end up with way less verts but a much better quality object.

Have fun
Brian J

PS- Bender rules!!

Then you can always decimate it some with the decimator slider…

wow… thanx - as i suspectet there are 15 ways of approaching this problem in blender :slight_smile:

The way i use was the Set SMooth button - but i’ll try the others whene i eventually get home today…

You might also want to try It can do exactly what you were talking about at the top of the thread. I use wings3d almost exclusively for my modeling now and then import everything into Blender for animation and rendering.

hmm yea well i use Linux almost exclusively - so no wings3d for me i think :slight_smile:

Try this: :wink: