For some reason in Blender 2.74 and 2.75 objects that, in previous versions, appear smooth in the display window are now faceted with each face having a sharp edge.
What did I change and can I fix it? Or did I screw it up completely?
I’v uploaded a blender file to
This one’s driving me nuts.
I applied smoothing, and it always worked before but now it doesn’t.
When I export it to 3D MAX there’s all kinds of issues.
That’s all fine, but if you don’t give us the link to the actual file, we still can’t access it…
Your link leads to the pasteall upload page. After the upload the page reloads and you should see a new page URL with an added number (e. g. … - that’s the download link to post here.
There are several ways to control shading after smooth shading is enabled for the whole object.
Green: The edges could be marked as sharp which would be shaded as sharp after enabling autosmooth on object data properties or adding edge split modifier in the modifier stack. The modifier does what it says on the tin, it splits edges. If the mesh has split edges it has the same effect, they would also be shaded as sharp.
Red: Another way is to use the angle option in autosmooth or edge split. Edges marked as sharp would be shaded as such with any angle value, but also any other edge that have face angles greater than the set angle. It also means that if this is too small (such as 0), all/most edges would be shaded as sharp.
Blue: It’s also possible to adjust the normals to affect shading (data transfer and normal edit modifiers, data transfer tool) which get stored in split normals data. They also import/export as such and would override autosmooth. Object data properties -> geometry data would have a button with “clear custom split normals data” to drop those and again have the ability to control it with autosmooth or edge split options as described above.
Yup, I just figured that out…:spin:
Here’s the link:
I’ve tried everything I can think of.
Earlier versions of this model still appear to be smoothed in the viewport.
You can add an object into this model and smooth it.
I tried a cylinder, applied smooth and it worked
But the other 2 objects, already there, no matter what, look flat.
:spin: Auto smooth had been reset to zero?
I can’t imagine how I did that…
The older versions have it set to 30.
Is there a way to set multiple objects to have an auto smooth applied?
Yes, two ways. Select the objects, enable autosmooth, right click -> copy to selected. Same for the angle. Or alt+click on the enable toggle and alt+drag the angle slider. Latter available in 2.75a.
Thanks guys! All set.
Off to finish this project.