Snap axis along edge

Let’s say that somehow axes of the origin point have an incorrect alignment. How, for example, align any axis (x, y, or z) with the edge shown on the image?

Hey, there is a way but it’s not particularly graceful (hopefully someone knows a better one).

  • select the edge and create Custom transform orientation (the little “plus”-button there);
  • object > Transform > Align to Transform Orientation will align some axis along the edge;
  • now rotate the origin with 90d rotations if you need to choose some other axis.


  • in Snap menu choose Snap to Edge and Align Rotation to Target;
  • move origin to the edge - it will align Z-axis with the edge;
  • snap origin location back to where it’s been;
  • choose another axis with 90d rotations if needed.

Hey! Thank you very much for your response. I don’t think that there would be a neater way since I noticed that in Blender things are just not as straightforward as it gets. Both of these approaches work great!

Sorry for bumping this but i wonder: What would be a more straight forward way than to select the edge you want the axis to be alined to and additionally rotate the axis according to your wish because it’s not the edge normal?

In my opinion, it would be easier if each top of the origin axes have a point (in origins transform mode). Then we would simply grab that point and snap to any edge, vertex, or plane, in the same way, showing the direction we want.