Snap Bisect

The script works again with 2.91, sorry for the delay – and thanks for letting me know.

Can I have blender 2.9 usage (quick example)?

I have made small patch for addon. Swap from Y button to C for Y axis aligntd cut and " show hidden" switcher.

Why switch from Y to C - because I use C for Y axis in general (Y button is too far and hard to press), change it back if you cont like to work this way.

What about show hidden - it been always annoying me when I worked with some isolated mesh part , but addon show myriad of points for hidden mesh. What even worse - not only show them, but they were also clickable. Not only visible midpoints but inisible vertex points too what cause all the time wrong point pick. Another issue - bad performance in models over 30 - 40k triangles. Switcher I added ignore not visible mesh when collecting points coordinates.

Example 2.79 (yes I still work in 2.79)

Example 2.91

What changed (version for 2.91)

Version for 2.79
Version for 2.91

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Have few questions:

  • What about wersion for 2.83? Maybe better to keep on Git few different files (at least version for 2.83LTS too since it is LTS).
  • When I was tested it in 2.91 what I have found - in Lit view modes with X-Ray if X-Ray value equal 1 points are not visible through mesh. Is it some Blender bug or new addon feature? I still work in 2.79 and I like how it work in 2.79 when points are wisible through mesh.
  • Also, points on backface sides in 2.91 are not clickable no more. Same question - is it some new Blender issue or new addon feature?
  • Thanks for the idea about hidden geometry. I modified it slightly: when “show hidden” is enabled, only the hidden vertices are shown. Midpoints of hidden edges will always remain hidden. That is perhaps what I’d want the tool to do.
  • I didn’t change Y to C.
  • The thing with X-ray mode was a bug, actually. I just didn’t port it from 2.79. Now it should work again.

I have also created a branch for Blender 2.83 and backported these changes.

Sorry it took me this long.


does it work with blender 3.1.2?

Worked for me in 3.4.
One bug founded:
in calculation midpoint for edges: it needs to divide the position of the vertices by 2 not before multiplying the matrix
midpoints = [tsf @ ((e.verts[0].co + e.verts[1].co)*0.5) for e in bm.edges if not e.hide]

also, it need to somehow handle click points if in ortho view. It selects points behind faces.

Thanks, you are right. The script is fixed: (right click, save as)
(edit: fixed invalid link)

I cannot download this … thanks

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I thought this topic/addon was completely abandoned ))
I uploaded recently sort of “early alpha” version of my ABT (Advanced Bisect Tool) addon which I working on right now. This is my own alternative version for similar idea of using Bisect operator in advanced way. I extended idea by changing how things work and adding things like different visual helpers/text UI/N panel UI, it work with multiple object, it allow to snap to other objects in scene, etc… No detailed manuals at the moment, only image manual for hotkeys.

Will post it here, perhaps it could be interesting/useful for someone here to test/use in work (even in this pre alpha state). Also it would be interesting to see any feedback.



Hello. Really miss your tool in Blender 4. :sob: Any chance to update?

Because of circumstances connected to war in Ukraine there will be no more updates/development from me for uncertain amount of time. I wish to be able to continue working on my addons, but it might not happen.

All my addons are under MIT license so feel free to continue working on them (if you have some ideas and know how). Sorry, there are no any design documentation, all my ideas and plans are only inside my head.

I wish us all peace and no war :ukraine:


Дуже прикро це чути. Сподіваюся з тобою все добре, друже. Привіт тобі з Харкова.

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Can someone update this tool by emu
this tool by IIIFGIII to the actual Blender version?
I am willing to pay a reasonable price.
Can someone suggest an analogue?

Hi, here you are: (110.2 KB) (9.0 KB)

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Thank you very, very, very much for your support, my friend!