Snap to buttons...

Are there any plugins that allow for an advanced snap to menu? Like snap to face or snap to line? I’m having a really hard time getting what I need.

Mayhaps its a bit convoluted: In simple:

I want to be able to snap to lines or faces. How can it be done (reasonably :wink: )


I’ve allways used shift+S, isn’t that enough?

select face, Shift+S: cursor to selection
Select thing you want to snap to the face, Shift+S: selction to cursor.

Allso I fing holding Ctrl while moving/rotating/scaling/doing other stuf vey helpfull

I thougjht about a variation of that… Lemme give it a quick try, and I’ll post my results.

Thx mate!!

you don’t want to snap that, there will still be a hole visible unless you delete that triangle and create 3 new ones using the verticies at either side of the arc and the corners [again]

I don’t think people are getting what I am saying… Let me illustrate.

We’ll start with a standard plain:

Then we’ll rotate it:

Now I want to know how to put a hole in that plane… How can I do it with any number of sides?

Let me show you my exact problem:
I have a triangle with the following dimensions:

I raise one point of the triangle:

Now that the point has been raised: how can I cut a hole in the triangle; what step or steps should I go through-maintaining the plane, or triangles flatness-in order to cut a hole with any amount of sides?

Thanks for your replies so far!

If I understand you correctly:

Step 1:

Select the three verts of your triangle. Shift-s (cursor to selection). Press shift-v and select top.

Step 2:

Your view should now be aligned with the triangle. Erase the face leaving only the edges. While still in edit mode add a mesh circle with the number verts that you need to create the sides.

Step 3:

The mesh circle you added should be on the same plane as the verts of your triangle. Fill in the faces by selecting the 3 or 4 verts at a time and pressing the “f” key.


And that… Is exactly what I was looking for… Is there a way to parent an empty to the selected object in order to scal and such on the objects local plane?

Thankyou!!! I tested what you said, GreyBeard, and it works wonderfully!!


Is there a way to parent an empty to the selected object in order to scal and such on the objects local plane?

Just select a vert on the plane and place the cursor there. Change your pivot point to the cursor (period beside the comma) and scale.


Interesting, It doesn’t work for me. I made the right triangle by cutting a plane in half. This leaves the origin midway along the hypotenuse edge.
The center buttons wont move this: it seem blenders still sees it as a square.
Tilting the triangle and using Cursor to Selection places the cursor off the plane ( above )of the triangle. This is no good for placing a new object on the surface of the triangle.

It’s a no go, here.

Tilting the triangle and using Cursor to Selection places the cursor off the plane ( above )of the triangle.

You have to be in edit mode withe the verts of your triangle selected before pressing Shift-s not in object mode which will snap to your object center.


No! After selecting all verts, then SHIFT + S and cursor to selection:I get this

cursor above the plane of the triangle and above the origin.
I assumed it would be equidistant between the vertices and on the plane of the triabgle.

Installing Mandriva 2006 today.
I may be gone for some time :o