Snaping vertex to face problem.

Hi, i have a little problem. Ive made a screenshot to ilustrate it. I have 2 planes as separate objects, rotated in space with some random angle. I would like to move selected vertex along one of planes edges with (GG shortcut) and snap it to another plane. Is this possible in blender?



What you want is to activate face snapping from the header menu in the 3D view. Also enable the snap project toggle button.

The trick is that snapping is based on your view so the best way to do it is to select your vertex, take a top down view with NUMPAD_7, then tap g to translate the vetex, and immediately left click to confirm without moving your mouse. It will be projected straight down to the surface below it.


this aint the same, i want to move vertex along edge with GG shortcut. Your method will work only if you move vertex along edge that is parralel to one of axis (in your example its Z). In my example both planes are rotated in space with random angle.

With GG it isn’t possible as far as I know. However you can align your view to any angle by selecting the edge in edge mode and pressing shift-numpad-1. Then switch back to vertex mode and voila.

It is possible, hit GG and bring the vertex close to the face , accept that and hit GG one more time to snap to face.

Correct me if I’m wrong rambobblender but this is still projecting the vertex based on your view. Close results but not completely accurate.

You’re right, not accurate , I can see it now.
Another way is to select the cutting plane and do an Intersect , some clean up edges after and you’re good to go.
Anyway there you go choose what you like.

@ramboblender, i dont want to do it by judging with my eye. I want this to be done with precision.
@PyroGXPilot, thanks for this addon but it gives error every time i use project function.

“With GG it isn’t possible as far as I know. However you can align your view to any angle by selecting the edge in edge mode and pressing shift-numpad-1. Then switch back to vertex mode and voila” this works but im not happy about how many steps it requires. Anyone knows some addon for this kind of cad things?

You could make an edge-loop on the plane, select the edge and subdivide it so you have two vertices and then slide them into position, select the inner edge and then extrude down. However this’ll only really work in this situation, once it becomes more complex… hmm…

pachupp plane for projection has to be part of object-then select project plane face(face mode)-then select edges to be projected(edge mode) then run addon!

Ok PyroGXPilot, thanks, it works.