Snapping in Object Mode?

I’m trying to snap this wall to this floor so that I don’t get light leaking through like I got with my first little room. My snaps are on. Seems like increment does something, but it looks like I’ll have to adjust global stuff every time I want to use it and that’s just silly. Vertex, Edge, and Face seem more like subobject snap things. I don’t know what Volume does off hand, but the default doesn’t do what I want it to do. Can someone tell me if there’s something obvious I’m missing?

I rarely make floors and walls separate from the initial design, I lay down the floors and extrude the walls from there or create the walls and then fill in the floors, that way everything is all lined up. I refine or separate later if needed. Snapping with vertex or edge will work in object mode, but can be tricky, as you have to move the object you want to snap so that the vertex you want to snap to is the closest to it without snap active, then move them close together in order to snap to the correct place. I rarely use snapping with it active all of the time and just hold control when moving objects/subobjects when I need snapping.

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I had forgotten that was a toggle for snap while moving and I appreciate the reminder. :slight_smile:

It does seem tricky. I can’t get that to work.

You want to use vertex stap. Vertex snaps the selected object to the objects vertex you want to snap. It is important to remember that when using vertex snap that the object will snap where your mouse cursor is and not where the object looks like it is. So if the object looks likes its lined up and its not working it is because the mouse cursor is not over the vertex you want to snap to.

Here’s a vid to help

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thanks for all the great info, video was wonderful teach.

Thank you - excellent training video. :slight_smile: