Edit: Found solutions from Stan_pancakes and blender.stackexchange. Thank you.
I"m working on a model that has shape keys involved but I need to change the ‘basis’ key vertices placement.
And the set up is, I have the model with shape keys but changed the topology in some areas that aren’t
affected by the shape keys however, now every shape key moves the areas that have been retopologized
so, What I’ve done is:
- Copy the model and leave the shape key on ‘basis’.
- On the original model I’m going through one shape key at a time and using the snapping feature to move
one vertex at a time to the copied models ‘basis’ vertex positions.
I was looking for a way to select multiple vertices and snap them to the closest ones.
Things I’ve tried so far are:
- shrink-warp modifier but I can’t apply it.
- snapping tool setting on Vertex and Face + Project Individual Elements.
But it’s only snapping to the faces, not the vertices.