In general I’m likeing the new snapping functionality but I have noticed that unlike 2.79 I can’t snap to vertices on other objects in the scene without going in to multi object edit. Is this a design choice?
It also means that if i try to snap to verts on an object with a mirror modifier I can only snap to the “real” geometry and not the geo created by the mirror modifier. Are these “features” or “bugs”?
Hmm, it works in a fresh scene… but reproduce 100% vin another scene. the scene I was having issues with it seems I can snap to some objects and not others. Will have to try and pare down this scene and share it somewhere.
I can confirm that when both objects are under Edit mode. Multi-object editing is not working for that.
But if object with mirror modifier is under object mode, I don’t have this problem.
Can you share one or two .blend files with the problem ?
Alas no, it tended to happen part way through and I was using Hard Ops a lot, so was clearing out as I progressed. Actually, now I think of it, I am wondering if the objects I was worknig with were set as “cutters” so the shading was wire. TBH I just put it down to a hitch with 2.80 not being sorted yet. If I stumble on it again, I’ll upload the blend file here. May even try and reproduce the problem later.