I think the issue is more at the start of this sequence of operations : ideally from the moment of creation you’d stay in control of object transforms, by having new objects face the way you want them to.
I can see that there would be room for a “reorient” operator/tool though, if you have any ideas how it should work (in terms of workflow) maybe you can take the time to suggest it on rightclickselect.com/
But this happened to me too once or twice and I had to use this method :
- place an empty at the origin point of your object, and align it exactly to the modified orientation. this is done via tracking constraints onto other empties
- parent your object to the empty
- clear transforms of the empty, and delete the tracking constraints
- unparent the object and keep transformation
- apply transforms of the object
Now your object is neatly aligned with the world and you can place it using object-level tools
This only works if the modified orientation is snapped to degree increments.
The problem I’m running into here is that these big icospheres need to have some of the faces greebled - but in very specific ways that require dragging-and-dropping assets into place, rather than attempting to do the modeling while the face is still attached to the icosphere. I’ve tried to figure out a simpler way to do this, but unfortunately, I haven’t been able to. -_-
Lots of creative workarounds in the replies here, thank you to everyone who pitched in!
Sure, but look how many steps.
I can do that in two clicks with the plugin linked above.
Core functionality like being able to align one object to another object by selecting two faces is something every commercial 3D modeling / animation package has, and Blender doesn’t.
To have to interrupt your creative workflow by doing something like going through those steps above is a hinderance to the creative process, and it was worth it to me to pay the author of that plugin $20 to save myself those extra steps.
I’m not sure what you are trying to convince me with. I’m providing help, if that’s too many steps for you then so be it, I’ll be on my way. If you want things to improve in Blender, consider contributing.
You’re welcome and cheers