Sneeaky Preview thingy

Something im working on. I know the texture is fuzzy but its the best i found, and its not intended for the finished product to be up close and personal.

Chaintech-Excell 7KDD M dual socket A

WOW :o that looks so detil…good job :smiley:

WOW! and this is a 3d model… great work, the only thing that gives it away, is the top right corner…

If you’ve not turned down the filter value for the texture, do it!

Else, not much to comment, looks great!

Filter Value…Learn something new every day, thanks man. Just did it.

Heres another WIP, im quote a bit farther along. If you cant tell, im attempting to build the entire system. Ive got a nice video card texture (also a chaintech-excell) that ill work with later.

HOLY ****!!! dang dude… I’m sorry, but I just find your work incredible… dang, keep it up!

So i keep going and going.

Im taking a break for now, ive been at it all day

I am in awe, as ever, at your supreme level of detail Enos. Have you seen the new 4 cpu Pentium Xeon boards yet? mmmmm 4 3GHz P Xeons. 12GB RAM.

Anyway, keep going this is looking wicked.

How are you modeling the microchips? Cunning texture work over aa flat rectangle or are you modeling each of the silver contacts?


Thats the first time anyone has ever called my pathetic texturing skills “cunning”. Thanks sonix!

the board is a basic modelled plane textured with a cropped and tweaked version of the board pic from the chaintech website. I used the same board pic to position the components. The chips are modelled, along with the pins (basic bent planes)

Excellent work! I can’t believe my eyes! The only thing I can say is I can’t wait for a better lighting scheme (which obviously will come after modelling is finished). And I just love the texture on the power supply.

HAHa sorry man, dont get your hopes up. Thats a pretty good lighting scheme for me. Im really really really bad at lighting.

thats really “cool” :smiley:

nice work

how about adding a water cooling system for the cpu :smiley: :smiley:
