Sniper Project

this is a project i just started, this is one of my first models, so i am quite new. please share ur critics (constructive) i dont know what to do with it. or how to do it! :(, guess my fantasy dried out…


Welcome to the forums Lien_Bruk!
Nice modelling, can’t wait to see more of this. I can’t really tell what needs improving as I don’t know much about guns.

(Great avatar by the way :yes:. If you have any questions about Blender in general, feel free to PM me anytime.)

Essential : if it’s not an imaginary weapon, if it is based on a real life weapon, base your model on references…

Things to enhance :

  • blocky body. Looks like a box, feels like a box. :slight_smile:
  • squashed cylindric grip. Looks like a cylinder, feels like a cylinder. :slight_smile:
  • square magazine. See blocky body. :slight_smile:

Overall, looks like a dragunov but just because of the kalashnikov-like gun, and stock…

Hope it helps.

thx for the help and cheers… i’l keep posting updates… =) cya