so... any news?

anybody got any emails from nan employees or anything? just curious… it’s too early i know but still…

also, did kib find a new way to get more bandwidth for the server? i’m guessing this is likely to turn into “the” blender community…

kib: if it’s any help i would be willing to help pay for the bandwidth to keep this site active. or maybe you could setup something like a little “micropayment” thing… so everyone can donate like 50 cents a month or something. :stuck_out_tongue:

now, i’m about to clck “submit” and i hope this message actually gets in. this is the first time since early yesterday i was able to get into this site. the demand on the place must be crushing. and it shows! hehe


I made a reference to the gallery on this site in CGTalk.


I got only a brief reply from Bart:

Hi Steve,

unfortunately we don’t know what will happen to Blender. There are several plans - one of which is open sourcing, but a decision has not been made yet.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sprite on 2002-03-16 11:00 ]</font>

Was this really a full year ago? (I just posted this without noticing the date, but then I reread it and it caught my eye.)


Ton’s message:

NAN is Bankrupt ( the company behind blender)
Thursday, April 12 2001 @ 07:05 AM MDT

Dear Blender community,

Yes, the rumours are true. We ran out of money and couldn’t find a new
investor willing to support us. Last friday the company went officially
bankrupt. However, this doesn’t mean an end to the company or Blender.
There are too many enthousiast employees and enthousiast investors and
companies that still believe in what we did the last 3 years.

Several rescue plans are being developed now that might result in a restart
of NaN within days. A restart most likely will be based on a smaller company
which makes less expenses.

Personally, this whole situation has caused me a lot of pain and sadness. We
have tried to play the game last year and we’ve lost. Right now it means
fighting for my little baby, do the utmost to ensure a new and secure future
for Blender and the community around this.

As soon as there’s news you can expect a statement about it.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sprite on 2002-03-16 10:59 ]</font>