So I'd like this face to not look like a porcelin doll

Thhis is my first attempt at a realistic looking face, and was wondering if I am on the right path so far, also, what causes those triangle shadows on the side of the face:

Well, the first thing to do is to add the subsurf modifier. That will smooth everything out a bit.

This might be covered up once you subsurf it, but the forehead is too wide. I guess you’re following TorQ’s face modeling tut? Show me a screen of the mesh in edit mode- the topology is essential in a good head.

select all vertices or planes or edges, press space, edit, normals, recalculate outside
or just select everything and push ctrl N

wrong forum by the way. (wip or basics and interface or something like that)

cheers keep it up

To get rid of that triangle: In object mode select the object and press Set Smooth.
That should get rid of it but for particularly large or oddly angled faces it can still happen.

Generally you’ll want to do as Alden suggests and add a subsurf modifier to your mesh. Once you do, click the little circle between the buttons to cause the mesh to draw in its subsurfed state when showing edges. Unclick/click the rightmost button in the row to control whether subsurf is “on” in edit mode. (The middle button is for object mode and the left button is for render mode.)

If you get funny little black lines all over your mesh then recalculate normals as snelleeddy suggests. (It is usually a good idea to do this every time you finish some major modifications anyway.)

BlenderArtists has a large selection of forums now (due to popular demand). Focused Critique aims more for the artistry than “how do I” type questions. It is likely one of our moderators will move this thread to the appropriate forum… but they’ll like you better if you get questions in the right forum to begin with.

Hope this helps.

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