Blonder, that machine does in half a second what others spend 30 minutes.
They are yet in the first steps and obviously it doesn’t have yet a set of instructions like a computer.
But it is programmable and it solves the tasks it was designed to solve. And that is a computer.
Others, while it lacks the complete feature of instructions call it a quantum machine.
The interesting fact while watching the videos is to see how the governmental paid “investigations” go nowhere and have barriers to go nowhere. I already talked about that. They are just “appearing to investigate” but really we have quantum computers already as I said. So every effort is done to make believe we don’t have them and continue investigating in all these “governmental” investigations, that have flawed knowledge that will avoid them to go far.
Then what we have is just a bunch of private investigators doing it. We live interesting times where “youtube people” is doing better science than “governmental scientists”.
Of course is not that way. We already have a lot of hidden technology. They already have secured encryption using quantum computers. And they already have quantum computers. This project only will force the secret to come open, to show the patent before these guys put their patent. Let months come and watch the fun…
I am happy that there are other users who hate the current state of COPPER/CARBON/ELECTRON circuits. Indeed the computing market has stalled and innovation stopped, while the consumers needs are increasing for speed, stability and capacity.
When I was 17 years old (10 years ago) I learnt that the first Photonic Processor created and within 5 years would be in production. Unfortunately as you already know nothing has happened yet. But if you search on google about “Photonic Processor” there are rumors about renewed interest from major players (like HP).
From my perspective photonic processors are the logical next step in computer evolution due to economy factors first and then of tech specs next. It might the only logical step to save humanity from the COPPER/CARBON computing pit.
For sure this greedy computing industry needs to play it’s very last card (and they have the right to do so) before throwing all of this “tech-know-how” and most important the production infrastructures to the garbage forever. But no one can hold innovation and progress, as long as there is demand there always be a market.
What about quantum computing? Probably it will rock the supercomputer industry for the next decades but it’s production cost is enormous. I remember the first Quantum Computer sold to Lockheed Martin for millions of dollars so this joy will be out of a user’s scope for a long time.
It’s a more efficient and scalable logic gate for a digital computer. A true quantum computer is orders of magnitude faster and more efficient. I try to say it like it is…no hype no mystery no coercion. I don’t plan to change.
I think we are going to have four years where people is going to go from prehistoric (today) to an adavanced society. Such is the technology that will come out. Some of the things you would say is pure magic until it is explained.
You can see all is colapsing everywhere, it is just forcing for the real deal to come out. No more hiding.
That may very well be the most objectionable thing I have ever seen you post. Four years? Really? People don’t seem to be capable of a hard takeoff and scientists are working against it in the case of AI. If you would like to know what I think might happen if that scenario tried to come to fruition; check out the work of Hugo De Garis.
I have not information in my mind about Quantum Computing yet, I need to study more on that first so do not judge me.
Photonic computers are the revolution in computer construction, while you retain all of the classic theory of circuits and logical gates. This indeed my friends can happen in 4-10 years and change the world forever, in an instant you can see benefits in power consumption, capacity, heat (no electron friction yay!!!), and speed (speed of light yay!!!).
Though, I agree with you that quantum computing is superior and must be considered as the next revolution in the computing design concept.
I think they are interesting too but they may have an issue in the memory modules. The electrons pick up photons that increase their energy state and then they give off photons. If memory modules were to give off photons to enter 1s what would be left is a state of 0. Memory would be volatile to the point of one use. Applications are loaded into memory modules. There may also be an issue with entropy that would require error correction. I’m not sure about photons but electrons are particles that are known for not behaving classically.
I honestly think that, probably largely scalable (arm type) and maybe even dynamic systems are the next big thing. The scalable arm type systems would be small “super computers” that could be produced at little cost. Dynamic systems could be a tough competitor with these quantum simulators because they could run some of their source in analog. I’m not sure I can imagine how fast that would be.
I do think photonics have potential but I think it will be for network adapters in the near term. But that’s going to mean faster cheaper internet so I’m excited about it too.
Another Subject: I listened to an interview of Hugo De Garis about the Artilects, it’s extreme concept to gasp right now but it seems that no one can hold back A.I. research, the need for smart robots is enormous.
I’m not sure I can imagine how fast that would be.
Neither do I, but if is as fast as it gets, then perhaps everything in computing be considered realtime. Not simply as a concept in papers but literally in a mouthful.
Two things for sure:
Graphics will be -not photorealistic- but practically realistic. Light trace algorithms will run so super that the results will be precise. Imagine if you have a transparent monitor that shows anything in it, it’s like opening a gate to the cyber world.
Internet and communication will be so fast that perhaps that thousands of people could share common experiences. e.g. This forum will be a playground of interactivity rather than linear-historically-recorded-messages.
If you don’t know already, some technology websites are already getting their hands on a D-Wave unit and testing it out.
Basically, some of this is currently in direct contrast to Bao2’s claims, in that while it is true that the D-Wave’s quantum annealing chip is vastly superior at some tasks, other tasks see it falling flat and failing to outperform the traditional silicone processors (which the machine uses as a front-end)
Also, it states that the D-Wave machine is not even a true quantum computer, it might be based on quantum principles (see its Quantum Annealing chip), but it’s currently not at the point where it’s being fully run on the concept.
All in all, this shows promise for some types of applications, but we still have a ways to go before we have Quantum Computers showing up in the home (and especially before we see apps. like Blender running on them), this machine for instance can only work with a limite
d set of problems and needs its proprietary chip slowly cooled to near absolute zero, something which needs a huge amount of power and space.
Bottom line; interesting tech, yes, capable of replacing the current computers as of now like Bao2 claims, no.
I agree. Frame rates are anywhere from 24 to 60/second and that’s about what we experience. When we have computers that can load programs at 100th or even 1000th of a second, the surplus speed is just going to be used for multitasking.
The top layer - Can be more then one - think data in out terminal
1- Router For every 2 ins and 2 out (cat 5)
1- Network tasker
1- Cloud controler
1- data lasers (more then one for packet loss and noise reduction (R.G.B)
Middle plane
CPU/GPU chips in array, powered by power laser, accepts data from data laser for programing and for execution
Has small ddr ram
Emits light from LED to export data(also cooling the chip)
Layer 3 - Reader - Monitiers LED array and channels data to - Top - back to middle- or to output channels like USB and video card input.
layer 4 - abstraction - moniters all layers, and re-assigns tasks to fit taskers needs.
Fully dynamic, no clock,
All messages are sent, recieved sends back a reciept
Messages ->color vectors
Burst of 3 =
(XYZ )-Adress -Date type (-1,0,1) - data - (RGB) a color
a burst of 5
(XYZ )-Adress -Date type (1,.5,-1) - data - (XYZ)+(XYZ)+(XYZ)= LISTDATA
No I/0 data…
Bursts of (X,Y,Z)
with more then one “Reader” and sender on each chip (for packet loss correction)
No, I am not saying you go tomorrow and buy one and try blender.
I say you see this guy doing it and how he said in the video that he had to leave the government founded “investigation” because it was not advancing (what he perhaps doesn’t know is that it was not the intention of any government founded investigation to advance, they already have quantum computers, the same as they already have free energy).
First the presion of the people in every country against their controllers must be solved. Then, when we have rules and laws that are the same for all and not only for the benefit of the 1%, the hidden technology will be out for enhancing the lifes of everyone. There are a lot of scientists desiring to talk, and will do.
It talks about how entanglement can be used to transmit info. And to my surprise it says in this video as it really is: faster than light, instantaneous. You can have one particle on the Moon and the other in Earth and you can transmit a message instantaneously, not delays.
Scientists already knew this when Einstein was alive. Einstein called this effect “spooky action at a distance”, not “entanglement” as is called today.
You can find it was already used to transmit info by some “normal investigators” (not in the hidden technology ring) and they transmitted info from a country to another. And it was instantaneous.
This way of transmitting info where you have a particle and change it and the other shows also the effects, is a secure way of transmitting info, you can’t spy any wire to catch the message. It is one of the obvious hidden technology. Think of the huge advantages of it. You just have a world without all these gazillions of wires for communication. And you would have people talking peer to peer without the government having any possibility to spy. So we live in a world with prehistoric technology because a few bunch of control freaks. That is the way it is.
The message itself doesn’t need wires. But I think ‘wires’ will still be needed, to transport the entangled particles to receiver of the communication. And i also think faster than light communication may not be possible.
That said, for people who don’t already ‘know everything’, if you are interested in quantum computing, there is a course on on quantum computation, that goes from basics to explaining some quantum algorithms and about how quantum computers may be constructed (Its really the basics of the stuff but you will need to have some background related to the area to make sense of it). The course itself is over and will be repeated in the future, but i think you can still look at the videos by registering. (Disclaimer: I joined the course but was only able to understand ‘some’ of it I am waiting for them to offer the next version of the course)
I’m not sure how much good that would do. Quantum computing is as much a theoretical issue as it is an application issue. There are still very few known quantum algorithms and the standard model is just now starting to come together. I think we’re all essentially just blowing smoke in this case.
There is definitely a long way to go. Quantum computing is still something for the small (or big actually :p) laboratory scale systems (the dwave computer is something different and not a ‘computer’ in the normal sense). We are just starting to control individual quantum systems. Then comes building logic gates and then entire systems. Simply put, its Nobel prize level stuff (check the second half of the article). I am sure it will be done but its not going to be tomorrow lol. The course i linked to was just so that people may better appreciate the complexity of the stuff we are talking about here (The course however, is interesting and is taught by a prof who is an expert in the area so theres some good stuff in there!)
imagine, you have a large scale quantum computer with … 32768 Q-BITS!!!
this is a 32 x 32 x 4RGBA x 8Bit image tile
this means that such quantum computer can display EVERY possible picture-tile!
Now imagine, you fill such Q.C. with data to render a tile.
And instead wait 10.000 samples - you get final image direct.
(because Q.C. do all possible calculaions at a time)
Current Q.C. do not work so simple like a PC…
But it is a nice idea…
You don’t understand yet. Is so amazing that usually people don’t understand, because it is different to the macro physics.
First: This already was done by “normal scientists”. It was not known by everyday people and the news always were distorted (perhaps deliberately, perhaps unconsciously because the periodist didn’t understood).
What was done:
Create a “entangled” stated between two particles (electrons in this case)
A guy puts one of the particles in a “cage” (similar to the one used to put the qbits and resemble the graphene structure but in a sphere)
Another guy puts the other particle in another “cage”
The two guys travel to two different places/countries/planets/galaxies
One of the guys does a change to his particle, and the other guy sees the opposite change. The effect is instantaneous. If the two guys are in different planets like Earth and Mars, they don’t need wait the number of minutes it would take a normal message to go from Earth to Mars at light speed. One does a change and the other sees the change at the exact same moment, it is instantaneous. You can use it as a “Morse device” or a binary device to transmit a message encoded as 0 and 1. And it is how you can send a message/video to home without any delay even if you are traveling by the galaxy and you are several hundred light years from home.
This is one of the technologies that “are not being used” but everybody knows. Why is not being used? Because it gives a way of communicating between people and you can’t spy on that. So everytime a news about this came for the last 20 years it was always distorted in a way that nobody understood what it really was about, I was time and time again explaining what it was really and how it was known from Einstein times and it is being used by the controllers. Just one of the suppresed “magic” technologies.
Entanglement is just one of the weird things. Others are: bilocation, teleportation, and one of the most intriguing is that particles do what the scientist thinks they will do, like the particles obey the consciousness of the scientist. They had several experiments where the scientist desired a determined behavior and the particles did that. Mind over matter. Well, that is wrong, let me say it correctly: Consciousness over Matter. That solves one of the conundrums Artificial Intelligence investigators thought some decades ago: "What makes something to be “Artificial Intelligence?” or “Live”? Is the Eliza program from decades ago “alive” because it can simulate a human talking with another human? To know if something is alive you only need to see if it has consciousness. And you know if something has consciousness because it affects quantum particles.
Bilocation, teleportation, entanglement, explain that there is no One Universe, but parallel universes.