So... turns out my sculpture has 4,939,482 faces. šŸ˜­ How do I reduce the number of faces?

just out of curiosity, what free solution? Qremeshify?

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Yes. Qremeshify and PolyQuilt Retopology Tool [Fork] are free retopology tools. Theyā€™re supposedly not as good as Quad Remesher, but theyā€™re still good in their own right.

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Thanks, I was just wondering about the auto-topo. No, Qremeshify isnā€™t as good as quadremesher, but it does seem like itā€™s the best free solution.

I highly recommend Polyquilt if you are going to be doing manual retop. Itā€™s as good a solution as any Iā€™ve used (Iā€™ve used a lot in a lot of different programs) - except maybe the dedicated program Topogun.

Also, both are very different things. QRM is a fully automated retop solution and PQ is fully manual. Just so you understand the difference in their purposes. :+1:


I never heard of Topogun before. Iā€™m gonna check it out.

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have you tried Retopoflow? is all in one suite for the fast manual retopology possible, a bit annoying to load the ui and source meshes screen but whatever :Dā€¦check the releases page for download

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I havenā€™t actually. Iā€™ll check that out, too.

Edit: (I just found it on Blender Market and holy crap, itā€™s so expensive! :raised_hand:t6: :sob: )

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in that link there is the free version :upside_down_face:

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I donā€™t really know how to use Github, so could you tell me how to download it from the link?

there ya go

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Thank you so much!

I would also add as a general piece of advice, when youā€™re creating a sculpt, be mindful of how many polygons youā€™re adding. For this sculpt it doesnā€™t seem like you actually need 5 million triangles. You should only add geometry enough to Support the silhouette and the planes/the details that you want in your sculpt.


Tried it a few years ago and hated it. :smile: Maybe itā€™s better now, but the fact that it was an external program running on top of Blender was very clunky, and also I thought the tools were clunky too.