Anime people bug the HELL out of me on a regular basis. They group together at my school and revel in their immaturity. Most of them run around blowing bubbles and coming to school dressed in halloween costumes like little kids. As a result, any like of anime on my part died long ago.
There’s nothing like seeing an obese girl with terrible acne coming to school in a skimpy Sailor Moon outfit.
I like watching some of the anime, but I don’t go any further than that. It just happens to be good. And it’s very, very true that most (when not all) fans of anime could use 10cc (or more) of Social Lifeyte Extract, so they’ll stop acting like anime characters and speak like the type of people that they refer to as “boring” (and we refer to as “normal”).
Yipe, I just got this mental image of that…shakes head get out! Get out! (this will haunt me for a while).
other cool things include:, big boobs, not being Sago, cartoons, picking a fat buger, not having dihareah, spelling dihareah correctly, chicks, big boobs, cheese burgers, pizza, good dreams, good music, big boobs, a good job, good friends, good video games, good movies, big boobs, good art, wu, not being Sago, and finaly big boobs.
I used to watch Dragon Ball Z years ago. That show was fun despite the terrible dialogue. It’s been so long now since I’ve watched any anime on purpose. I mean, I saw Kill Bill Vol 1, which has an anime scene. But just because I don’t watch anime doesn’t mean I’m soakin up the sun. I guess it would probably help if the sun actually came out and it got above 40° F…
I’m not trying to be self-righteous or nothing, I’m just asking a question, which many of you awnsered nicly.
Anime people bug the HELL out of me on a regular basis. They group together at my school and revel in their immaturity. Most of them run around blowing bubbles and coming to school dressed in halloween costumes like little kids. As a result, any like of anime on my part died long ago.
There’s nothing like seeing an obese girl with terrible acne coming to school in a skimpy Sailor Moon outfit.
And I’ve seen it more times than you would think.
Really? I didn’t know it was that bad. I really enjoy anime, and American cartoons alike, expecilly comics/manga, but I can understand why you don’t like anime.
Ya, the problem is that most anime geeks at my school have completely lost touch with reality because of the accepting character of my school (performing arts, a bunch of liberal weenies ;)) and they aren’t required to mature so all I see day after day is girls with capes and cat ears on drawing really bad anime pictures during class. Oh ya, and due to the lack of interest from the male sex, many of them are lesbians. True story.
I think that the author of the site mentioned in the first thread is making a mistake…He’s obviously revolted by people that use anime to express their sick fanasies, but instead of just criticising only them he is criticising anime as a whole.
To me, anime is just another cartoon-making technique. I don’t hate it, i think it looks nice acctually…Now, if someone is using it to make sick pedophilic cartoons or to express their suppressed anger, then there is something wrong with those people, not the anime. Because, if anime didn’t existed, they would be using a different drawing-technique… do you understand what i mean (sorry if i sound confused, i’m a bit tired).
EDIT: There are some anime comics that i’ve read that are actually good and have a point (people in my school make them) and i’m also inetersted in amkin a 3D anime movie, and i can asure you that it won’t contain anythig mentioned in
I think what makes me sick is not anime, but BAD anime. Ya know, where its a face and only the mouth is moving. Or the body and only the mouth is moving.
I have seen some really good animes where there is so many things going on that you cant catch it all. The kind that took time to do. DragonballZ is production line crap! as well as most of the other animes on tv here in america.
DBZ was pretty bad, I mean if you take out all the silent standing around and shots of wind blowing, you could probably cut each episode down to 5 minutes.
if dragon ball z was a book ( dunno if it is or not ) im asuming it takes quite a few pages to transform into super sayan 50…or however the hell level it was before I stoped watching. I bet by then they’d have enough hair to lasso jupiter. :-?
What i dont get, is when they…uh…‘power down’ where does all that hair go? Donate to cancer victims?
if dragon ball z was a book ( dunno if it is or not ) im asuming it takes quite a few pages to transform into super sayan 50…or however the hell level it was before I stoped watching. I bet by then they’d have enough hair to lasso jupiter. :-?
What i dont get, is when they…uh…‘power down’ where does all that hair go? Donate to cancer victims?[/quote]
Actually, the Dragonball Z manga was wonderfully to the point. Entire episodes could be 2 or 3 pages of manga.