…So I don’t know how many of you have heard the name “Goro Fujita”, but… what it is, is basically sculpting in VR. I’ll post a link below to this. So, if THIS is the new thing, what we’re going to be doing in the future, then the only thing to use Blender itself for, is like, “straight things” like tables and chairs and archviz n stuff, which I’m guessing, no one wants to frikkin DO! And of course, Animation, at least that which CAN’T be mocap’d, like eg. a bird flying or “Incredibles” type cartoonimation or whatever. So, this entiiiiiiire thing, this entire FIELD is finished, or at the very least about to undergo a RADICAL change!!! I think it would be prudent to TELL the people who make the Blender software for this (Marui Plugin) to keep on making it and making better versions so that they can take on Oculus, and for those of you planning to use Samsung hardware for this, to make a “Samsung headset” version Here’s Marui Plugins’ link:
For Samsung, read this:
Btw, word needs to be got through to Samsung to release a “2-controller” version of these headsets (for both hands), otherwise the whole thing will be useless.
You mean you aren’t aware theres already a version for blender? It’s been in development for a while:
There is also the blender OpenHMD Branch, that has been in development for even longer:
Plus, I saw a short clip of a presentation where they were showing off software that allows you to use any conventional app with a VR headset and input device. They used blender for that demo.
You are confusing the method of interaction with what an app does for you. There is nothing concerning VR headsets that would keep blender, or any other app from working with them. It’s just like using a wacom tablet instead of a mouse. The software just needs to be adjusted to support the new type of input device and display. Heck even vanilla blender supports multi-view display for headsets right now.
Edit: And I just realized that one of the current google summer of code projects is something that will add OpenXR support to blender:
So that’s three different APIs which all add VR support to blender.
VR has been a buzz word for the last 30 years promising so much but delivering so little (well apart from motion sickness) Quill looked great, but if i remember correctly Face Book pulled the plug on it…That said I do believe VR has a place in the creative arena, the Disney stuff does look promising. I personally think holographic slash augmented reality is the way forward with this technology and not a headset where your cut off from the real world. I will be keeping a eye on this technology for sure, but I wont be investing my time or any cash(not that I have any) in a headset just yet.
Of course I’m aware of that, I WENT to that site…? I meant a version specfically for Samsung hardware, specifically the Note 10 that’s coming out soon - cause it looks cool and I’ve been keeping a close watch on it. Problem is, it costs approximately as much as a small CAR Well, still. IF I scraped together the money, I’d naturally want the app to be available first!
I misread that line and thought you said something like “TELL the people who make blender to get this Marui Plugin”. My mistake. Yea, I’m sure that blender will eventually support most of these devices. There are a lot of different VR APIs and blender will probably at least support both OpenXR and Marui. Its more a matter of which devices khronos group and marui support in the end.
I saw videos about the holographic projections that can be touched. The lazer moves very quick and creates plasma. The machine also knows when it has been touched. They had a hologram of a faiery that would fly around in a circle when touched.
With the diamond semiconductor coming in these later years, holograms could be standard.
So now we’ll have to wait till their “upcoming VR headsets” release, keep our fingers crossed that one of them bloody takes a Note 10, and THEN somehow hope that Marui Plugin gets made for it!! That’s a pretty tall list!! Is there anybody here who’s going to do that???