So You Want to Learn Python 101?

I have been trying to get as many resources as I can together so that I can learn to do something minutely useful with Python in Blender. We need a “Sticky” post here that will give Blender users who what to learn how to write their own Python scripts resource links. I think that this would be helpful to many Blender users who are willing to take up learning Python scripting.


Thanks for the links. We still need a sticky post with links to python “begining” tutorials that are Blender specific also, just as we have Blender specific tutorials on the other sections here on this forum.

With tutorial Links like this one-


i’m a newb to python and coding in general, there’s a great open book called “How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python” available for free download/browse or purchase at
(there’s also a version for java)

Thanks Nay. That’s a very good Python link.