Soc 2006 SkyGen Test Windows Builds. 15/08 (LGuillaume)

Well, unless you count the turbidity parameter, yea, I guess it doesn’t do all that much yet. :rolleyes:
I read the part about the sun a little too fast, missed the bit at end about “not really usable yet.” Darn.

Still a big improvement over plain blender skies.

Ok the guy said something about cloud UI commited in hes branch… compiling…

Can you do Linux builds as well? :wink:

Sorry I don’t build for linux :o

Windows build updated, same link

Edit: BUAHHHH I can’t find any clouds! :confused:

I send an email to the author, he says for cloud :
Here is the simplest working sequence:

  • Create mesh object (one convex or several convex joined by Ctrl+J)
  • Go to Object->Particles buttons (Mesh is selected)
  • Press “New” in cloud buttons
  • F12
    But I don’t have any result.

oopsa, posted the same :slight_smile:

Sionix, if you can post a sample file with clouds working, anyone can understand how it works.

Sorry, but I cant do it now, but can you describe what actually you do, and what do you receive?

I make all you says, can I use a Sphere to be a cloud, if yes, on render I have the sky but no clouds and no sphere.
I make a sphere go to effect, press new on clouds panel, press F12, I only view skies.

here’s my src/render/Sconscript file:

Import ('env')

sources = env.Glob('intern/source/*.c')

incs = 'intern/include #/intern/guardedalloc ../blenlib ../makesdna'
incs += ' extern/include ../blenkernel ../radiosity/extern/include ../imbuf'
incs += ' ../quicktime ../include ../../kernel/gen_messaging ../yafray'
incs += ' ../BSG_SkyGen'
incs += ' ' + env['BF_SDL_INC']

defs = []

if env['WITH_BF_QUICKTIME'] == 1:
    incs += ' ' + env['BF_QUICKTIME_INC']

if env['WITH_BF_FFMPEG'] == 1:

if env['WITH_BF_OPENEXR']:

if env['OURPLATFORM']=='linux2':

env.BlenderLib ( libname = 'blender_render', sources = sources, includes = Split(incs), defines=defs, libtype='core', priority=45, compileflags=cflags )

and my src/BSG_SkyGen/Sconscript

Import ('env')

sources = env.Glob('intern/*.cpp')

incs = '#/intern/guardedalloc ../blenlib ../makesdna ../blenkernel'
incs += ' ../imbuf ../include'
incs += ' ../render/extern/include'
incs += ' ../render/intern/include'
incs += ' /intern'
incs += ' ../BSG_SkyGen'

print Split(incs)

env.BlenderLib ( 'bf_bsg_skygen', sources, Split(incs), [], libtype=['blender','player'], priority=[5, 190] )

juste paste over the appropriate files, that should do it. I think I only modified those two.

I updated the build (same link, well it does the same as ZanQdo’s ^^), and by following your sequence for cloud rendering, nothing happens.

(BTW, to delete the cloud effect of an object you have to add a particle emitter to it and delete it: it will first delete the cloud effect, then click again on the delete button in the particle panel and it will then delete the particle effect. This is a secondary UI problem, so no worries, it’s just a side note!)


Well, its strange - I’ve checked it myself. I’ll try to correct the problem this evening.

this is known bug, thx :slight_smile:

Sorry guys, it was my fault.
I submitted corrected sources :slight_smile:

Updating… 23:08
Compiling… 23:14
Zipping… 23:21

uploaded wrong file… 23:34
rebuilding clean for the pleasure… 23:35
testing… 23:48
CLOUDS CLOUDS CLOUDS! 23:51: RenderLayer activate Halos!!! silly me! why did I turn it off???

zipping… 23:52
uploading… 23:57
00h09 finished:

Now test people! test!


Dani: sorry to be a pest, but something is not quite right.
Since I didn’t hear from you right away yesterday, just for grins, I completed the process of patching all the sources to find all the include files.
That got me all the way up to linking blender, where it failed like so:

Linking program ==> 'blender'
/home/tonyag/bf-Sky-Gen/build/linux2/lib/libbf_soundsystem.a(SND_OpenALDevice.o)(.text+0x4d5): In function `SND_OpenALDevice::LoadSample(STR_String const&, void*, int)':
: undefined reference to `alutLoadWAVMemory'
/home/tonyag/bf-Sky-Gen/build/linux2/lib/libbf_soundsystem.a(SND_OpenALDevice.o)(.text+0x570): In function `SND_OpenALDevice::LoadSample(STR_String const&, void*, int)':
: undefined reference to `alutUnloadWAV'
/home/tonyag/bf-Sky-Gen/build/linux2/lib/libbf_soundsystem.a(SND_OpenALDevice.o)(.text+0x615): In function `SND_OpenALDevice::LoadSample(STR_String const&, void*, int)':
: undefined reference to `alutLoadWAVFile'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
scons: *** [/home/tonyag/bf-Sky-Gen/build/linux2/bin/blender] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.

I know this is a common error if you don’t have all your deps squared away, but I do, and none of my other builds do that. I only mention that because of what happened next…
So, rather than go back and restore all the files I changed, and since sionix has commited updates, I deleted my repository, did a fresh pull from CVS, and put in your SConscript files. While doing that, I thought that line 10 of your BSG_SkyGen/Sconscript looked strange, beginning with a slash. (isn’t it going to look in the root directory for ‘intern’?) but I tried it anyway, and it failed the same way!! changing that line just gives me various other problems, for example ’ ./intern’ just causes a long spew of errors compiling math.cpp. Changing it another way, causes buttons_{shading,object}.c to not find BSG_SkyGen.h again! I’m doing my best not to start hating scons, but I confess, I’m confused.
If you can think of any other pointer to offer, I’d be very glad to hear it.
Thanks for your time and efforts. :slight_smile:

EDIT: DOH! never mind. it was as simple as “BF_OPENAL_LIB = ‘openal alut’”
Now for some CLOUDS!!!

Sky- Cloud Generation works Great so far with the Latest Exe!:slight_smile:
Thanks for this Exe. Dani!(for Experiment and Testing!)
here is also a Blend file for Download (with Sky and Clouds)
its not the best but only my first Test with this!:frowning:
Download from here:

:eek:HEY! I canot open this Blend file…Blender Crash!
Also i canot Append the Scene or Objects from this Blend file…Blender Crash!
maybe for someone works…Anyway!if you like you can Download to try!
In the Official 2.42a new Blender Build i can open this …but not Usefull!!:wink:


Vassilios Boucer

Hey, those clouds arent too bad. Any chance in future we will be able to make the cell size less than .100?

I also notice that when ya start changing the shape of an object (moving verticies around to make a custom shape) the cloud gets smaller, and eventually dissapears!


Can’t download it.:frowning:

sounds interesting! how about some screenshots with clouds? :slight_smile:

I also agree with MicWit!
here a Screenshot with Clouds (not the best) first Try!



I just tested the link and it should download fine. The server was prabably busy!

Check again, if it doesn’t work, try to copy/paste the link in you address bar, and if nothing helps, I’ll try to upload it somewhere else.

I’ll be updating the build soon I think

EDIT from cvs maillist:

Sat Jul 29 01:38:35 CEST 2006
Some improvement to sky render: Hor color is used; Under horizon angle parameter added.

UI bug : the input button activated by “One” in World Buttons is misplaced (the new “Add angle” moved everything down excepted for the input box which is overwritten)
