Sofa Seams.. how to do them correctly?

Hello Brother

I have an interesting solution for seams as this.

  1. Subdiv level 2
  2. EdgeSplit with marked sharp edges
  3. Solidify with control of thickness and crease
  4. A further subdiv level 1

Only thing is that I results a non manifold mesh, that is it is the mesh actually split apart at seams.

You can have somewhat of a solution but using the solidify modifier without “only Rim”… This will give inside faces as well. However with material index offset you can select these faces easily in later modelling stage and delete the excess faces.

You can also instead use a bevel modifer with 0 Profile and vertex group selection to do the stitches “dent”

For the stitch threads you would use probably a seperate UV Map and bump material

Inspect my file. See the simplicity of original mesh

Cushion.blend (715.6 KB)

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