Soft Body issues and Frame Rate Questions

Alright, I’ve got a few question regarding soft bodies and frame rate.

-Firstly, I’m having issues transporting a soft body to a new location. Like for example, if my soft body(ball) rolls off the map, I want it to spawn at a certain place. I’ve tried setting the world position, the ball just keeps falling. On the other hand, the camera rig spawns to the location? It’s like the physics tried to update, but didn’t. I’ve tried suspending the physics, thinking that may help, but it seems you can’t control the physics for soft bodies[ie. turn them off/on]

-And secondly, the frame rate puzzle. Alright I’ve got my frame rate set to 30, and I’ve got the Use Frame Rate[UFR] unchecked. The question is, when I check the UFR everything seems to become sluggish. And when I crank up the frame rate, it seems to help a bit. But, it looses it’s bounciness, which I can understand. It’s calculating faster and what-not. But wouldn’t that happen when I’ve got the UFR checked? I thought the UFR was a something like a fps global lock or something? Is the physics not affected by that, if so why?

I know this may be confusing, lol.
+Phy_Fun.blend (1.19 MB)

You should do something along these lines Phy_Fun.blend
I’ve disabled the camera tracking because it will need a bit of code reorganizing to work properly, I’m just lazy :slight_smile:
However…this is a valid issue. What I’ve done for Tomato Jones is what I did in your file.
Add spawner and make it to follow the player just like you did with the camera. When the ball falls just add a new ball object, somewhere around the spawner current position or something like that(I’m sure you will figure it out). Moving/repositioning the same object is not working in blender, if it is softbody.
I’m not sure about that, but at least it is not working in conventional way as you pointed out.

Don’t use UFR, leave it unchecked, however I don’t have fps issues with your file.
But don’t use the ball for the logic collisions, make another , invisible collision bounds like basic sphere or box and parent it to the player and use it instead of the softbody for the collisions with gameplay objects like levers,traps…etc. Just leave the softbody to collide only with the walls.

Thanks man :slight_smile: