Soft Body question II


I still experience with Soft Body.
I want to create a rubber cube falling on a beveld plane.
So created a cube and a plane, subdivided by two. The plane I gave a Deflection the Cube I added Soft Body properties.
Gravity to 9.81, disabled Use Goal.
If I start the animation (Alt-A) it looks not like a cube made of rubber, it looks like a hollow cube made of rubber. The 6 faces of the cube oscillate towards the center of the cube.
The 8 vertices dont behave like rubber, it seems they stay nearly at the same place and clamp the faces of rubber between them.

So my question now does anybody know the correct settings to simulate a filled rubber cube instead of a hollow one?
Is there a good explanation / tutorial available to get information about which setting under Soft Body causes which result?
At the moment it is someting like try and error with the manifold possibilities of the soft body settings.

Thanks for any support!

Have you tried to enable the Stiff Quads button ? It adds a diagonal sring effect (like an elastic edge) on quad faces…
This could avoid hollow faces.

Selecting “use quads” won’t work that way. The problem is that the soft body effect actually does treat the mesh as a hollow surface, not a solid material. It only does forces between vertices that share an edge or a face - and no forces act through the thick of the mesh.
You’d have to actually fill the cube up with vertices in a 3-dimensional manner in order to get an effect like a solid cube of rubber or gelatin.
thought I saw a diagram/example of this in the wiki, but I couldn’t find it.