can anyone help me with the proper settings to make a softbody cloth (such as a flag) have less characteristics of satin and more of a thicker cloth such as burlap. After much experimentation the best I can come up with is a very rubbery, seemingly thin cloth. I would like the cloth to seem heavier and move less when it interacts with wind or is moved otherwise. As I stated before: less like satin, more like burlap.
I’m not talking how the cloth looks visually, I’m refering to the way satin reacts differently when blown by the wind than a thicker cloth will. Satin would have more folds and flap faster as opposed to burlap which would be stiffer when moved.
Well, not in the 2.42 version, but in the CVS RC3 of 2.43 version there’s ‘stiffness’ and ‘aerodynamic’ soft-body settings and a crapload of other stuff. That’s probably what you’re looking for.