I’m sure I got this to work before, but I kinda forgot how…
On an empty scene, add an UVsphere. Go out of edit mode. Add a Plane. Move Plane above the sphere. Scale up and subdivide Plane3-4 times. Activate Softbody on the Plane. Alt-a. Plane wobbles but that’s it. This is because of the “Use Goal” of course. Deslect Goal. Alt-a. Plane falls through UVSphere. Set UVSphere to Deflection. Alt-a. OK, Plane drapes over Sphere like elastic cloth.
Now, I thought that if I made a vertex group with a single corner vertex of the Plane assigned to it and active “Use Goal” on the Vertex group, only this vertex would try to remain where it is, the others would fall.
Well, it doesn’t work that way. Upon activating the “Use Goal” for the vertex group containing a SINGLE vertex (checked this by select/deselect in Vertex group settings), the vertex stays where it is, but the rest of the Plane just wobbles as in the beginning as if still constrained by “Use Goal”, although this now uses the single-vertex Vertex Group
What do I do to get an effect of the Plane-cloth hanging by its corner? Bugs the hell out of me…:mad:
All help welcome!!
Do not select single vertex, select them all. Assign them to a group and go to Weight paint mode. In editing menu (F9), in paint menu select “sub” and paint over your plane. After doing that, red portions of your plane will stay in place and other parts of plane will fall down.
Hope this helps
That was it! I completely forgot…
Weightpaint the vertex I want to ‘stay’! Thanks, buddy!!!
I think you just forgot to set the weights… cloth/drape=0 ; and the corner vertex=1.0 (F9 vertex group panel )…Activate goal:vertex corner
oops…late already…