Hey, I’m sick and tired of no glsl shader support on my computer, I NEED to use crazy GE features in blender. So I’m making a custom build. I didn’t start development yet (It’ll be slow because I’m by myself) But here’s what I’m adding;
The Summer of Game Updates has officially started!
Bake: Ray Shadow (Allows you to bake a ray shadow on an object)
Bake: Bake Shadows on Texture (Bakes shadows on the current mesh’s texture to give it depth)
----Add Objects > Low Poly (New section)----
Male Average
Female Average
----UV Texture----
Easy unwrap
--------Game Engine--------
----Logic Bricks----
Multi = value (Adds multiple pulses to the connected actuator[ie: if 5 is specified with add object it’ll add 5])
If you want to join PM me in this fashion:
Title: SoGU Application
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In the source the pbxproj, on a mac I can just edit it in xcode and build just like a native app? I’m not used to making cross-platform apps.
Help me think of a name for the build. (ie: Apricot)
how do you add those features? do you have to add it in the source code
do you have to learn c
and is this going to be made for mac power pc or intel mac
Instead of fruit, why not use nuts? Chesnut, Conker…? It does sound better than using a vegetable…
Id like to be involved, Iv done a year of java at uni, but it shouldnt be too hard to learn some C syntax and so on, I could also write some doccumentation and keep the wiki going.
If this project was to get further than the planning stages, then I will create and host a site for it.
See what? I’m not releasing the code to the public unless there’s a major update. If you want to be part of the team just PM me. The dev team can see the source after every update.
So if anyone wants to join the team PM me in this fashion:
Title: SoGU Application
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Imma try building Scons but I get so frustrated so easily =P
I’m no pro at C++, but I’ll try to learn some more. I know C better than C++, but judging by the syntax in the source code they look really similar.
If you release a build you have to release the code else your violating blenders GPL license.
Btw, logic bricks arnt so hard to add even if you never did C++, just start by modifying/extending, and add your own once you learn a bit.
This sounds like it could be a blender ‘distrobution’ - like linux distro’s take upstream software and release with some changes.