Solar System Set Up (How to handle huge range of object sizes)

Hey all,

I am working on the basic set up for a Solarsystem with correct proportions in 1/1000 scale and I have quite some problems to handle the huge range of object sizes especially with translations of planets and camera.

This is my basic setup of all orbits and some test spheres which are invisible of course :D:

So the smallest object (Moon Deimos) is just 865 million times smaller than the biggest (Neptune orbit).

Big camera movements like a solar system flyby are no problem but I have the guess that there is a “minimum grid” or limitation of transition possibilities depending on the largest object in the scene, could that be?
If I have a small camera movement I get an unsatisfactory result because I would like to have smooth transitions in the whole scene, no matter how big or small it is.
When having very small transitions or drawing splines it looks like there are only quantum leaps.
(Image and video attached)
The image shows a generated BezierCircle and a repainted version. The camera on video should follow the path but is jumping around like crazy.

Does any one have an idea how to solve this problem?

Thank you very much

even NASA cannot show it with real size LOL!

too much difference in size ?
need to cheat here and it is the only way I guess!

happy bl

little something to inspire you

Behind the video: ‘To Scale: The Solar System’

Yes. You will have to scale the whole scene down much much more, as you will inevitably run into horrible precision issues the farther you get away from the scene center.

Just think of it as this: Say, you have 6 digits to describe the position along one axis. The more digits you use on the left side of the decimal point, the less you have for the right side: You can use those 6 digits for a value of 1.23456 or 123456, with the former (obviously) being much more precise than the latter.

Thanks for inspiring. :eek: Great videos, especially the first one.

IkariShinji, great idea, thank you. I´ll try that out.
Do you know if this count of digits can be changed in the preferences or somewhere else?

we have only 7 digits in blender so even enough to do a real scaling down of things
so have to cheat to see things the way you want!
also too much difference in scale for objects in solar system
cannot be done with real scale or you want see anything on viewport
unless you can read / see ONE PIXEL LOL

happy bl

Okay thank you all, to know this limitation is very helpful for me.

I´ll try to limit the range of scales to 7 digits by having real distances and converting the scale of planets, moons and their orbit diameters.

I´ve been building this project in Cinema 4D two years ago and everything worked quite well also with correct measurements (1/1000) but for budget reasons Cinema 4D is no option for me.

The Background:
The basic idea of my project is not to see the whole scene (planet meshes etc.) on the screen when flying through space
(I have a solution for that).
It´s about having everything in one file with correct lighting when coming to detail, correct functionality and more or less :eyebrowlift: “breathtaking” textures.

Here is a small preview of a texture test file for Jupiter:

This reminded me of a cool presentation at SIGGRAPH earlier this year about Clarisse. Clarisse is definitely designed differently from Blender, being meant for much larger scenes, and it seems they now have the precision to do things like this.

Not really helpful for recreating it in Blender, but it’s an interesting example nonetheless.