Yeah, as I said before I am not using Blender much lately, as I’m not totally sure of its future. I forget to come back and check the forums every once in a while:)
As far as I know, I was the only one working on a save script. It is farily simple, and if I dont forget I’ll type up something on how to use my pooland scripts in your games, and distribute them seperately. All it does is go through a scene which I make which has all the objects etc in their starting positions. The script reads in the objects with a near sensor, dumps information about each object into a list (Things like position, rotation, and any props which might be important) as well as defining the class of the object. Then it saves that list as a string into a file.
The load version is a bit different. It reads in the list, and then uses an addobject actuator to add the right objects to the right positions and everything from another layer. Right now I think there is still a bug where if you dont save before doing a load, all the objects dissapear. This is fine for pooland, which is supposed to be persistant, but wouldnt work well in most games. I’ll try and get the kinks worked out for you guys tomorrow.
Back to SoldierDown: My favorite part of it is the particle system which took me a day to program. Feel free to copy it and use it in your games, just explore the second layer where all the particle objects are located for how to set the objects up. Not sure what you mean about the “bogging” of the gun being violent. Not sure what bogging is actually:)
This level was my test level, so obviously it’s bland. I went in and rebuilt it but now its way too many polygons, one of the many reasons I quit working on the game, hehe.
The enemy AI are supposed to be quite smart, they have a patrol, if you fire the gun they are supposed to “hear” and come after you. THe do fire, and it can be very difficult when they fire through trees:) I implemented a realistic damage system as well, with one head shot killing em, about 3 or 4 mid range hits, or 8 leg huts. The main character only can take about 3 hits, using the “real” gun the level is almost impossible. The second gun was never actually going to go in the game. I don’t know why they aren’t shooting at you, but I’ve only tested on 2 computers.
The look restriction uses a mesh sitting on the characters head combined with a cube in front of and behind the player. WHen the headmesh touches the front cube, it tells the mouselook script that you cant look down any more. Vica versa with touching the rear cube.
And I used a similar system to yours in maharaja, with animated clouds, and a realtime day/night system in Pooland. Before Maharaja came out. Not to boast or anything, but you kind of asked for it:)
For the record, the most recent version of Maharaja I played was really cool and ran fast which is more than I can say for the buggy, boring, super slow, screwed up version of soldier down I have sitting on my computer at the moment:) Sometimes I’m too ambitious. I wish I could look forward to future releases of blenders game engine, its so sad. Really the easiest to us game development environment on the planet.