Hello Everybody
For the past three days ive been working on a soldier, as I want to try out a shooter. I made a fellow in MakeHuman and after much difficulty, modeled a wermacht uniform for him. Now I have limited knowledge in texturing, and a very low-end laptop to work with (which is very confused on wheter it can render shaders or not), so I need some help. Ive uploaded my soldier here, and if someone could give me a few guidelines on clothes texturing it would be very much appreciated:yes:. Ive tried making a UV in gimp, with a bump map to simulate seams, but so far it has failed. Heres my soldier. Have a good look and plz help me out.
how do you download?
any renders?
Its on the link. If it doesnt work disable your download manager.
been fixed a bit, still need some help people!