
More of the usual sort of image, I’m afraid.

Making this was a lot of fun - I’ll post a more lengthy description of just what it is and how I did it later.

Special thanks go to my parents, for always believing in me, and to the array and curve modifiers for making this all possible.


this a very good modeling, you could call it “DNA”, it looks so close to a dna chain.
very nice work waiting for your explanation.

Good work, really like those colours. :slight_smile:

It is DNA, coiled around histones. If you check his big link it says Chromatin fibre.

Really good pic btw.

Well, the long & short of it is that it is DNA. This is my rendition of a “Chomatin Solenoid” or “30 nanometer fiber”. It’s one of the compact structures that DNA gets packed into when it’s not being actively used or copied. It’s pretty much to scale in this picture, though some of the details are very wrong.

Some info on DNA packing:

The blue fiber is a single, very long DNA double helix, and the purple globules are a group of proteins called histones, which are the “beads” that the DNA coils around.

I built the molecular surfaces from atomic coordinates in public databases and using a program called PMV, and brought them into blender as STLs.

Then I did something we couldn’t do without the array and curve modifiers - I built a DNA molecule with a repeating base pattern, (so that it’s structure would repeat exactly every 10 bases) and I cut off the ends - making a repeating unit - I used the array modifier with “merge” and curve-length determined repeat number, and put a curve deformation modifier on top of that. Now I can have DNA of any length, in any shape!

you can download a .blend of this here (2.43 req):

After that, It was really just another layer of curves (around and linking histones), arrays along the superhelix, a curve to make the path of the fiber interesting, and decimation to keep the memory usage within my little compy’s limits.

I added fog and defocus with post, after rendering to openEXR + Z, because this is a busy image and it’s hard to tell what’s sitting where without depth cues.

nice piece of BDNA that you made there

cept it’s BACKWARDS!!!

your .blend isn’t…

Been a while since you have posted anything here. Nice to see you back and doing something.

Simple, but overall, very nice work.


Hey, I like this! The colors go together nicely(IMO), but agreed, a bit simple.

snelleeddy: I fixed it in that one.

Others: Thanks guys. I have precious little time to work on anything creative anymore.

haha i just had my bio midterm today…how fitting.

i like it a lot

nice avatar btw. FLCL<3

i know little about DNA, but when i opened this the first thing that popped into my head was “holy crap that coral looks awesome!” It looks just like something out of the Great Barrier Reef.

Really nice looking. I’m gonna put the big one in my desktop rotation :smiley: