Hi, folks; I apologize for the huge delay…
It took me a while to understand what could be done, but eventually,
I’ve found a relatively simple solution that should work in the end for me.
Based on your contributions. So, thanks for the feeback!
I’ve made even a Highlight about it from my Streams, but I haven’t published that yet (and it is too heavy video to post in here otherwise I’d do).
Yes, I was expecting way too much from the Solidify Modifier.
Thanks for pointing it out. The good thing is that I’ve finally understood how to use its Vertex Group Target with Factor (0.000-1.000), and this ended up being part of the solution in the end.
I wasn’t really able to reproduce this particular step, though?
As soon as I Disconnect the Glass Mesh, the ‘Edge’ Normals ‘dismatch’ the Frame (on certain points)… meaning the Solidifying, Procedural Extrusion, won’t match (entirely) the Frame’s one.
But, your reply was very close to the solution I’ve ended up using, this is why I’ve marked you as the Solution. Thanks also for the insights.
Basically, what I’ve done was that Disconnection of the Glass Mesh from the Frame Mesh, but I didn’t Separate (kept both Mesh “Islands” in the same Mesh Object); similar to your proposition.
Then, I’ve expanded (Scaled) Symmetrically the Glass along its Normal for the sides (I believe, same or similar proposition as yours), and (occasionally) for top or bottom, but individually, always along Normals.
Then, I’ve added a Target Vertex Group to all the Glass Vertices (which now are different from, and not matching spaces necessarily with, the Frame Vertices), corresponding, in the Solidify Modifier (Inverted Target Vertex Group), to a less thick Glass in relation to the more thicker Frame (or just… Walls): must play with an intermediate Factor value.
Then, I’ve purposedely pushed the Glass Mesh Islands, always along Normals, ‘forward’, so that their Edited Mesh would be starting out, slightly displaced from the Frame Mesh, but that doesn’t matter because… the same Solidify Modifier will Solidify both Glass & Frame, and then the Glass (thinner) will ‘fit’ more or less inside the Frame (thicker).
It was more complicated than I wanted… but bearable (or I’ve learned a bit more ‘software resilience’).
When I get the video, I’ll make sure to share in here.
Thanks again for the contributions; certainly helped me making up my mind.