
is there a tool to solidify an object?
i know you have extrude, but if you have a deformed mesh and wish to add thickness to it.

ive found myself isolating a part of a mesh, adding solidify modifier, applying, and then joining the meshes back together waay too many times, and its tedious…

advanced user, so i dont need a detailed explanation.

ive found myself isolating a part of a mesh, adding solidify modifier, applying, and then joining the meshes back together waay too many times, and its tedious…
Why ? Your question therefore cannot be about simply solidifying a mesh (just use solidify modifier) so explain what you really need

ok for instance, separating an object, adding a bevel modifier, applying, and merging would be the same as selecting the edges and doing CTRL B.

is there a tool for solidifying? or do i HAVE to use the modifier?

i want a tool, that does the same thing as solidify modifier. is there a such thing?

there is regular “solidify” ctrl-f -> s

But the solidify does the same thing as inseting your face and adding certain amount of depth to it. It’s also similar to following commands: E for extruding, RMB for nullifying extrusion and alt+s for adding height/depth. But in the end the solidify command is not the same as solidify modifier because it lacks many functions that solidify modifier has.

that is exactly what i wanted! thank you.