Solmax, any help in IPO curves and angles?

Thanks Solmax, for the link that you provided. Sorry for not being clear enough in the first mail.
Hope to do it now.

Actually, we want to draw something like a star type formation graph where we have a central sphere surrounded by other spheres at various angles of the sphere.
These surrounded spheres are connected to the central sphere by 3d cylinders.
So we need to know how these cylinders are placed at diff angles (say 30, 45, …degrees).

Detail Explanation: We are thinking of dividing the circumference of the central sphere according to the number of surrounded spheres that we want to display. On getting this we would accordingly divide the angles from the centre of the central sphere, in order to place the surrounded spheres symmetrically.

We were thinking of finding something in IPO curves but if there is any other way please let us know!

you can rotate roughly the cylinders into the right position, then go to the IPO editor and tweak the curve. select the desired cahnnel curve (rotX, rotY or rotZ), press TAB to enter editmode, select the vertex (which represents the first keyframe) and press “N”. in the floating window, type in the exact rotation value.

one more thing - for easy handling, use a cylinder with a pivot at the top, or bottom. position the first cylinder and rotate it so that it looks north (with it’s pivot - center of rotation - on the “south pole”). hit CTL+A (“Apply size/rotation”) this sets scale/rotation values to 1 while keeping scale/orientation. then use shift+d, but don’t move the mouse. instead, hit “R”, then twice the rotation axis (“XX”, or "YY, or maybe “ZZ” - this is for local rotation), so that the cylinder rotates around the axis that points from your monitor. note which is the right axis to rotate around and repeat the duplicate/local rotattion procedure until you have all cylinders in place. then got to an IPO curve window and tweak the rotation values as described.

hope this helps
