Solved by Okidoki and Craig! UV grid lines not showing up in Texture Paint

I have “Display Texture Paint UVs” checked. But they are not showing up.

Need help! Thanks.

There was something about selected faces in edit mode or UV-Editor → UV Sync Selection enabled to be able to see the UV-map-outline… or not if not selected.

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What happens when tabbed into edit mode, do they show then? Were they visible before? Did you recently upgrade gpu driver?


Thank you both, Okidoki and Craig,

You were both correct. I stayed in the Texture Paint window but put the object in Edit mode, selected all, and yes the UVs showed in the Image Editor.

Keeping everything selected I went into Texture Paint mode and the UVs showed up.

So that was what happened. I never put that together before, making sure the object being painted on was selected in edit mode.

I’m putting the solution to Okidoki only because his reply seems to be the first. Thank you both again!


Cool, just keep painting!


You are welcome.
What do count is: it helped you…

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