SOLVED Camera tracking - Ridiculously low solve error but really bad track

I’ve done a lot of camera tracking in Blender and it always turns out pretty good. I use an iPhone 5 and the settings for iPhone 5 can be set automatically, so I’ve never had to mess with focal length and all that stuff. But this time something weird happened that has never happened before. Everything was tracking great and I got a solve error of about .5, but the empties are all over the place in the 3D view. The camera movement is really smooth and does resemble the movement of the camera, but everything is positioned weirdly, almost like it’s just scaled incorrectly or something. I changed the settings a little and actually worked the solve error down to 0.35 - the lowest I’ve ever even seen before - but I’m still having issues. Is there some little setting I’m neglecting or something?

Edit: forgot to mention that it also gives me that warning that says some data failed to reconstruct - but normally when it says that, it shows red on the timeline for the parts that failed. This time it doesn’t.

Edit once again: Literally seconds after I posted this I found the answer - I swear I’ve been messing with it for a while. Anyway, the problem was the camera in the scene. When you add the constraint it configures the Blender camera settings for you, but this time for some reason clicking the preset “iPhone 5” under the camera object’s settings fixed everything. Now it looks beautiful!