[SOLVED] Help make a tortilla shell

How do I go about making a tortilla shell?

I tried circle add face and solidify but I am unable to bend it like a Taco

Any pointers?

start with a cylinder, and make a single loop cut through the middle. add a circle and delete half of it. delete certain bits like the caps and half og the cylinder. duplicate, position, and weld. I’ll make a pic, brb…( i’ll edit it into this post )

I started to use the Cylinder and removed all but the one end too. But my triangle fan end would not allow me to bend in half. If you get it please post the blend file Thanks

I didn’t save the file but here are a couple screenshots:
(edit) also you could use the spin tool to make the back instead of adding a cylinder


Ok too bad about not keeping the blend file… I wonder if you open it will it ask if you want to capture it again?
So when you state weld together you mean for me to place a half circle to the half pipe and join it? How did you cut the circle in half? I cannot figure how to even subdivide a circle after ADD> CIRCLE> “F” to make Face Then “W” to subdivide nothing happens?

Thanks Modron got it.

I used alt M to weld the loose vertexes. I originally tried remove doubles, but I couldn’t find the threshold slider. Anyway, it looks like you have things in hand. I can salvage the file if you want though.

No I am good thanks. I need to remember that not all objects will be created with one shape. Joining and so forth.