Most of the times I see tutorials of various age, I can’t seem to get my Blender react on the hotkeys mentioned. E.g. 3yo tut mentions Ctrl+RMB to add points to the curve. Unfortunately, no reaction in Blender, and I can’t seem to be able to find according menu item, so I often seem stuck in my learning process.
If that is hotkey scheme-related, then should I try to guess which one was used by an author? Or, which one is the most often used? As a newcomer, I assumed Industry Standard is the one - is it used at all?
Default keymap + Left-click select is the way - any sensible tutorials usually assume that you just opened Blender and never changed anything.
Of course some addons/extention (including built-in addons) might change some keys and the tutor might forget to mention some of the most used ones.
Ctrl + RMB does create new points in the curve by default though.
If you hold Ctrl and look down to the bottom of the window, you’ll see some suggestions.
Of course the keymap had changes over time… and for blender (after 2.79) the default keymap is blender and other maps are different. It would be somekind of silly if not. Of course in some cases the may overlap. When watching older tutorials someone has everytime be a bit “adaptive”.
Also: you should try to understand the workflow and not “re-play” the keymaps…
YouTube creators often only use the hot key, and some of them seem to be trying to display how quickly they can press those keys and move on to the next operation. They confuse teaching with the exhibition of speed modeling.
So as noted by Oki, it’s best if you try to understand what they are actually doing and not just what hotkey they are using. I highly recommend that you set aside some time, pull down every menu in the software, read the commands, and see if there’s a hot key in the menu next to the name.
Beyond that, if there’s a particular action that you see on screen that isn’t working with a hotkey, stop and try to determine how you can do it with your version of the software before moving on.
True, however, would be nice if every step in the tutorial could be jumped over, otherwise it renders that very tutorial little of use. Sometimes I am able to find the option in menu, but not adding points this case.
Anyways, switching to any other scheme seems more promising than continuing with Industry Compatible.
I always thought: Industry compatible ( also in any other situation ) may make it easier to direcltu start doing things because someone is used to it… but one will never get all the possibilities which are lurking under the surface because the “standard” simply is not defined for this…
Allso because different apps do have different features.
This problem may not exist when there would a “standard” key modifier and a “special” one…
Every simple function would be on standard ( like copyCtrl-C and pasteCtrl-V) and some special function…
Sadly Alt is already used for too much… then there would be “Meta”… also alredy used for some… so then there are combinations…
But… “industry standard” is already establish too much and also “blender” is (even when changing insert keyframe from I to K)…