Solved! Looking for a tutorial on bringing an animated character into a scene file

How do I import an animation sequence into another blender file?

I have created animated action for a character. There is no background or environment in that file. Then I have a blender file with an environment that I want that animation placed into. Or do I amend all the objects from the environment file into the file with the animated action?

Sorry I am confused on this process.

Is there a tutorial on how to do this? Thanks

You append the action from file that contains it.

Or append the environment into the character file.

There are other similar options, it really depends on how you want to go about this.


Hi, you can use Append to bring the character into the scene or the scene to the character it’s depends on how large is your scene.


Thanks guys…I need to learn how to import my actions I guess. My secene file is quite huge as it has a tropical environment with many trees and shrubs etc.

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To import the animation into the environment file:

1: Go to Append

2: Find the .blend file that contains your animation

3: Click on it and go to the ‘Action’ folder

4: Click on it and find the animation you want then append it into the scene

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Thanks Ava…looks like the simplest way.

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