['Solved']Message Subject (or Body) not equal to string of item in list?

Edited: This next following information is actually incorrect, I wrote it thinking I tried this, but something else must have been off. It’s all set now.

It says ‘e9999Model’ is not in list, when if i type ‘e9999Model’ into the inactiveobject[i] where i is, it does work, and when you type str(i) it says some error about there not being strings in the list of objects

# ---- Replace Shield Mesh of Actor1

if updateshield1.positive: # ---- It gets a message
    shieldmesh = obj['ShieldMesh'] # ---- the 'place holder' mesh that will be replaced
    for i in inactiveobj:  # ----- looks through inactive objects for the right mesh
        if str(i) == updateshield1.subjects[0]: # ----- this never works, no matter what i wrap string tags around
            shield = inactiveobj[i].meshes[0] # ---- if i replace i with 'nameofobject' it works, so i know its a msg actu. problem (FIXED: just changed it to inactiveobj[str(i)].meshes[0]
            # ---- 3rd arg toggles update physics
            shieldmesh.scaling = [.75,.75,.75]

If that doesnt make sense, I just want a loop to see if the message subject or body is equal to an inactive object.

I have made sure I was using subject/subjects body/bodies correctly
— Mr. Jumped the gun

for objects in scene.objectsInactive:
    if objects.name == message.bodies[0]:

I ended up doing almost exactly what I did in the first post, but I just put str(i) instead of i inside of inactiveobj[] brackets and it worked. my bad.