[SOLVED] Missing "Image Mapping" panel BI blender 2.72

Hi Guys/girls,

im going crazy here. Somehow im missing the image mapping panel in the Blender Internal section. I was playing with a scene i suddenly noticed its missing. Ive tried setting some addons to off again but doesnt seem to help much.

Any ideas some one?


I don’t see any problems on that screenshot, the panel is right there, collapsed. Show us a screenshot with the issue, or better yet, supply the blend file.

I think he refers to the panel just named “Mapping”:

Is that a node material by any chance?

Yes sorry for that, i named it wrong. Its indeed the mapping tab. I checked the material and its not a node material. ive attached a screengrab with the menus not collapsed


I think i found the bug! If installed thea render addon, this lets the mapping tab disappear somehow. Ill will post the programmer now. Thanks for the help