Solved - Normals or non-manifold with Proog Head mesh?

I’ve run into a weird problem that seems to be possibly related to normals or non-manifold meshes … or ???.

I was trying to add new eyes to the Proog model, because 1) The eyes don’t render unless raytracing is on, … and I don’t want the extra rendering time and 2) There is no reference to seeing where the eyes are looking when animating, other than the “indentations” in the eyes.

So I imported some eyes from another character, but when I positioned them in front of the Proog head … or any other mesh for that matter, the mesh disappers, so that the Proog head always appears to be in front of whatever mesh is added. This only happens with solid or shaded mode, in wireframe the other meshes are visible.

I selected the Proog head in edit mode and selected “non-manifold” and there are in fact vertices/faces in that category. I tried flip normals and reset all normals (w / CTR-N), but to no effect.

The strange thing is that the new eyes or any other mesh will render , the meshes are just not visible in the viewport with solid or shaded mode on.


Here’s a test file with just the head.

Try removing any subsurfing or smoothing you have on the meshes.

Found the problem. the X-ray button in the Draw panel was on. I’ve never used it, so didn’t go looking for it :slight_smile:
