[SOLVED] Skin modifier thickness problem

I’m new at Blender and I’m following a YouTube tutorial regarding the skin modifier, when I get to this part https://youtu.be/wCI8ZbTBP1w?t=218 and apply the skin modifier I get a much thicker result than he does. What’s the issue here?

My before and after:

His before and after:


Go into edit mode, select all the vertices by ALT+CLICK-ing one of the vertices, then drag out the transform tab and change Mean Radius X and Mean Radius Y to appropriate number (for me it was 0.100). Image down below.


Basically I was scaling the whole object to try and fix it instead of scaling the vertices.


Take a look at his Grid and then yours. Scale your object up without the Skin Mod and see if that works.

Thanks man it was definitely a scaling problem but i fixed it in edit by scaling the vertices, linked the solution above. Basically I was scaling the whole object to try and fix it instead of scaling the vertices.