Solved! Sort of! Why am I not getting any lighting or shadows in this basic setup?

I have simply opened a new Blender file, (4.3), and am in Rendered mode. I’ve added a cube and a plane. There is a camera and a default light. But in Rendered mode they are both dark.

I feel like an idiot but I don’t know why I get no lighting in the scene. Have I enabled something that prevents this? Here are two screenshots, one in Solid mode and the other in Rendered.

Thanks for any help!

EeVee requires higher Light Levels and especialy using the default Point Light… Go into the Light Settings and bump up the power to say around 100, for a start and then adjust to your liking. Also it needs to be closer to the objects than the default distance as it is too far away to be effective. Changing the light to an area light will also get better results.

Change the default radius from zero to something else to get soft shadows…

Also check in the Viewport Shading Drop-down ( Top Bar )and make sure that Scene Lights is checked…

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Thanks RSEhlers. I inadvertently found something that might help. I went to a top view and the lighting shows.

Also shows in Front view;

But when custom angle viewing, the lighting does not show at all;

This is in EEvee. The lighting seems to work fine in Cycles.

I installed version 4.0. It works perfectly in Eevee;

Lighting is not the only thing, that looks weird.

Objects are looking like they were into an Holdout collection, or if Scene Lights had been disabled for Rendered View. But a View change would not restore that.
Overlays of camera and light are missing.
Overlay of grid is limited to plane mesh instead of being infinite.

So, you have a more generic Viewport graphic issue, that is not limited to EEVEE.

EEVEE next was added in 4.2.
If your hardware is fulfilling minimum requirements, you probably should post a bugreport.

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Hi zeauro,
Thanks for your input. I have no clue what a holdout Collection is nor how to disable lights in Rendered View.

How do I check for Overlays for the camera and lights? How do I check or change the Grid Overlay to infinite? I cannot recall ever playing with any of these settings.

I am thinking of doing a fresh install of Blender 4.3. I can’t think of anything else to do.

I do not know ow to submit a bug report even though I think I did that a year or so ago in an earlier version.

I reset to default settings and it seems to have corrected whatever it was I inadvertently changed over the course of using 4.3.

That is just a collection that has Holdout toggle ON. It changes rendering of objects to create an hole in image for compositing.
But in viewport, they have World Background color, but color corrected differently than the world, because of color management default.

RSEhlers described how to do it. It is in Viewport Shading popover ; that has a different content for each display mode.

In Overlays popover, Extras option disables them.

It is infinite in your solid view. It was the render preview that was abnormal.
Normally, grid visibility is only restricted by view clipping values, in sidebar.

None of those settings should be changed ; when you switch to another viewpoint.
So, the issue was not corresponding to any normal behavior.

That probably was a problem related to an add-on.

In case, you would need to do it, in the future.
You can go to Help menu > Report a bug.
Then, read and follow the guidelines written on the site.

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Thanks zeauro,

Very much appreciate all the explanations you gave me here. I did not expect that.