[Solved] Transparency working in Solid, but not in Material or Render

Greatings everyone!

Noob question here but I just starting in modeling, so… Too much new stuff to learn at the same time :stuck_out_tongue:

I created a chibi style head and decided to duplicate part of the mesh and apply an eye texture to it. I managed to get the alpha working correctly in the Solid viewport, however if I go to Material Preview or Render, the transparent portion shows as white/gray instead.

(Left is Solid, right Material Preview)

Is the nodes part okay? Maybe something I miss to make it work in other views. I also tried playing around with the Render Properties tab but didn’t got any results (it’s set to default in any case).

Any help is appreciated! (Also, sorry if this topic was created before, I wasn’t able to find it in the search bar)

You are trying to render with eevee engine so in material menu on the right enable alpha for blend mode, choose option you need, you can do the same for the shadow behavior.

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Thanks for the quick reply! I tried all 3 other options but the result is the same as Opaque. I don’t mind switching to Cycles if that fix the issue (tried but I have the same issue as Eevee).


Your shader is set up wrong- currently you’re using the alpha of the texture to mix between it and gray. Delete your MixRGB node and add a Mix Shader node instead. Use the alpha as the factor, the image as shader 1, and a Transparent BSDF as shader 2. Make sure your alpha is set to Alpha Blend. That will fix it :slight_smile:

Sadly, all I get is a purple texture. I assume the issue is the output of the MixRGB node? (just a hunch since the line is colored red. My knowledge of node is pretty much 0).

sorry, I didn’t explain that well, you want this:

Thanks my man! Now it renders properly :smiley:

As I side note, I got a similar result by skipping the Principled node entirely, but I assume it’s better to not do so. Once again, thanks for your help! I will probably ask here again in no time when I find another issue while modeling the rest of the character.

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