Solved. UV lightmap challenged .....following tut

Im following this tut:

I followed along step by step, and it worked. However, the uv map is, um, odd.

The view in the Uv image window showing the map? is how it should be in the 3d, but its not. The u vā€™s are off.

So can you explain how to fix it, and how I went wrong? Thanks so much.


hmmmā€¦ i didnā€™t know that BGE supports multi-texturingā€¦

It looks like your lightmap isnā€™t using your lightmap UV set, so make sure youā€™ve set it up for the right texture channel (I can see from the image your mapping to the LM UV set but itā€™s not clear which texture channel is selected).

Failing that, post a blend.


is this using the new unwrap feature? I just saw that about 3 minutes ago, and made a mental note as something else to add to the wikiā€¦

Its fake shaders. The script unwraps and gives you the black image. Ready for you to add lights to your scene.

Hello, I dont know. I found the link here in a search for lightmap yesterday. The thread was back in March I think.

The test file and the script can be downloaded at the url above. But the script comes with the blend and the blend is set up for you to follow along.

The script says something like version 234, so I thought it was old.

Here is the blend: NO it isnt. I thought I had pack on and didnt so, the new image wasnt savedd. I guess, cause its gone. oh wait, maybe all I have to do is just render it againā€¦

On the other thread, the poster had similar challenges as I did, but not this one. LOL. So they were able to figure it out.

Ok, thanks very much.

So a bit later and restarting my pc because I couldnt shut down blender? It was lost inspaceā€¦the renerer had it and wouldnt let go. Even after forcing the console window to close. LOL

I apparently dont know how to save/pack a blend, because when I open it, the image is gone and I have to reload it? So you need to render this, but its fast. Sorry.
Not needed anymore solved

Ok, I dont understand. If I click the on the either of the uv textures in the list, that is the one that shows in the GE. They are not combining. So its just another sucky challenge from Blender. Another stupid tut that doesnt work. LOL

And Snailrose wrote it, so it should. He knows ALL, you know? I mean that in a great way, not sarcastic, as it sounded when I read it again.

So maybe this line is my challenge:

Go to the Text editor (Shift F11) and open the included script. With the main mesh selected execute the script (Alt+P)
Go back to the UV window (Shift F10) and enter Face select mode (F). you should see the newly created coordinates
in the UV window.

Make sure to assign the new image to the mesh coordinates just created.

How do you do that? Thanks again, iti.

Make sure you type the name exactly as entered into the uv boxā€¦ names are case sensitive
LightMap is not the same as Lightmap!.. or lightmap as in the picture shown

OH HELLO! You shouldnt be wasting time on me. You have much more important work to do. LOL.

But thank you. Yep, its the same.

Hmm, I thought that was it.
Anyway, here is a working map, maybe it can helpā€¦

Andā€¦remember to make the first UVTexture field in the Mesh Panel the active one ( press the little blue icon)

OH, thank you I will run and grab it and give it a look.

Hmmmm, Ok I did that too, lol. But I still get the same results. In the GE the uv coords being used are from the 1st uv map, the one called ā€˜Baseā€™, the one first in the list. At least thats what I think. Or, it is just mapping the whole new lightmap image to each face in the new UV map created by the script.

I think its the second one. And I dont know how to fix that.Here is the new blend, and I think the new lightmap textures should be there:

Not needed anymore. Solved.

I was looking for more info on this and the link that started me on this new quest (havent found that one yet) and found this, where the exact same question I asked it asked and answered in post 2. However I dont understand due to language interpretation. The poster then fixed the file and hosted it for download, but it isnt there anymore.

So the questions was answered, but not interpreted?

Now I will look closely at Snailroseā€™s file. What a sweety.

Oh wow, thanks Snailrose. It works, it works, it worksā€¦ spinning in chair, hands raised high in delight.

Now, I just need to figure out where I got lostā€¦

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Some more tipsā€¦when you bake, the UV verts must fit into the the Editor ā€œactive zoneā€ to avoid weird repetitions
And (as snailrose have pointed) pay attention to word typing ; Lightmap its different than lightmap

Yes, I have two different files, one lightmap, and one Lightmap, in the one file it is right and in the other it is wrong. I was tired, and kept trying over and over and over and overā€¦then gave up for the nightā€¦

The 'editor active ā€™ zone? Yes I saw that too, and didnt change the uvs, just rendored. But since you brought that up, smile, is that zone the center square the uvs are in after running the script?

Thanks so very much.

What i see is I didnt have the base as multipy, only the Lightmap. Im am now doing the tut again, adding the tips. Keeping fingers crossed.


Ok, I have gone through the routine, twice now, got lost once, but found my way out again.

Thanks to all for helping.