[ SOLVED ] Was Wondering Has Any One Here Used EASY-ONLINE Add-On

Something tells me that this Data.py shouldn’t be edited by hand, but I’m not sure…

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It shouldn’t. The data is collected at startup or whenever you make a change then written into the text file, that’s how it’s intended to work. Or at least that’s what I can tell from the code.

Trying it out by myself though, the file seems to just wipe itself and collect data halfassedly.
I’ll mess around with it and see if either A) we’re not using it correctly or B) it’s actually bugged.

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Looking quickly through the addon, it seems to contribute a bunch of properties to the current scene. My guess is that these are the actual source of truth for parameters, and this Data.py file is just a mean to pass data to the BGE scripts (using import Data and then Data.<prop>).

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Were do I put this code (?)

Sorry if I sound n00bish but I don’t touch BPY code unless it’s by choice :slight_smile:

[ EDIT ]
There is no script file named init (that was my fault, don’t know what init script your talking about tho)

Nevermind, do not change the code. It’s not actually bugged.

What happens is you need to set a transmission of type custom, then click on it, and on transmission settings write down the name of your property; data is then updated automatically.


I know.
This is the problem tho step by step :arrow_down:

Transmission --> Make custom property --> Enter property name in script file --> Make ANY other transmission property --> In DATA.py ANY custom properties that you typed out is ERASE :frowning:

You’re doing it wrong. Don’t type to data. Write the property name to transmission options.




(You have to select the custom properties button for that hidden panel to show) (BAD UI DESIGN 100.0%)

I can’t not express how much gratitude I feel THANK YOU @Liebranca (!!!)

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Indeed I feel a little stupid while I also know it wasn’t my fault in the least.

I’ve been searching for a answer to this problem for almost 2 years & now it’s solved . . . :confused:

Perhaps I should make an AWESOME multiplayer game that becomes the stuff of BGE legends :slight_smile:

Next time you should read the sources :slight_smile:

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this sounds like a job for @blenderaptor wiki pages


What sources :thinking: There was 0.0% documentation on this add-on & if your talking about BPY code :arrow_down:
(yes, I am retarded :wink:)

Inside the .rar file you use to install the addon there’s python scripts.
If one can’t get something to work and starts thinking the thing might be bugged, taking a look at the code within these files is always a good start. Well, how do you think I figured this one out?


Indeed :blush:

I did repeatedly look at the source files & they weren’t any help since I don’t do BPY code :slight_smile:

Thx again for everything.

Alguém pode disponibilizar o Add-on estou precisando obrigado

Sorry, I do not understand you :neutral_face:

This is all Google_Translator could make of your message :arrow_down:

Some can make available or Add-on is required obrigado

Do you perhaps speak English :grey_question:

probably because its Portuguese and not Spanish -

Can anyone make the add-on available I need thanks

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Here is the add-on link :arrow_down: it comes with game demos :scream:


Thx for explaining :wink: