some beginners questions

im still trying to move away from max (pretty hard once youre used to it)
so here a few questions

  1. i exported a simple low-poly-mesh from 3ds max as an .obj on windows and importet in blender (2.59) again on windows and all textures were found because they are in the exact same path
    but on linux i opened the blend-file and of course the textures were not found
    so i edited the texture-path in the preferences
    but still no textures
    is there an easy way to point blender to the textures (all of them at once) when they having an absolute path?
    also the names of the textures in the blender-path are now all in tall letters
    but the actual textures are not … this seems to be an problem on linux but i guess not on win (because it worked)

even if i correct the texture-path by hand for some materials (would be a real pain to do it for all of them) the material-preview-ball is still invisible
just the checker-environment and a shadow

if i turn on vbo´s in textured-mode most of my mesh turns white
i use the nvidia-blob so i hope im save on the driver-side of things
would be sad to not use them because i get quite some performance improvements
any ideas?

well thats all for now
but i guess there will be a lot more questions^^
thanks for reading and maybe even answering


I don’t think you can use obj file to bring over mesh with materials data into Blender. As far as my experience with obj file is that it can bring over mesh, smoothing information, and UV map together. And no materials.

Obj imports should bring in the diffuse colour and textures, so if you have the texture paths correct the textures and normal maps should show up on import (you should be able to see the texture paths in the mtl file)

even if i correct the texture-path by hand for some materials (would be a real pain to do it for all of them) the material-preview-ball is still invisible
just the checker-environment and a shadow
This sounds like you have transparency set to in the material settings, if one of your textures is used is an alpha map make sure it is set to control Alpha in the texture settings. If not untick transparency in the material settings.
I use OSX mostly and as far as it working specifically on linux, I haven’t a clue.

jep that did the trick
uncheck transparicy :slight_smile:

but still the issue with the texture-paths remains
is it possible?

I had the issue as well, I’m pretty sure it’s because of the mounting in linux. I found with my mesh, the reason there were no textures was because the partition they were stored on wasn’t mounted. When I mounted the partition I got the textures back:cool:

well i got the textures also on my partition with chakra linux
so the path is indeed different
thats i want to change the path for ALL materials at once :slight_smile:

… and still there is more^^

now all of a sudden nothing shows up in the uv image editor anymore
i just selected a few polys and unwrapped them

second: in edit-mode the wire seems to shine through
this is nice half of the time
but the other half i would be happy just to see the polys in the front

about the question with vbo´s: would it help to open up a topic in technical-help cause its kind of off topic in here?

now all of a sudden nothing shows up in the uv image editor anymore
i just selected a few polys and unwrapped them
You have the image editor set to show the Render Result not an image file

thanks :slight_smile:

and while im posting anyways:
can i keep the image in the uv-editor and the viewport in sync with the actual material
ist kind of confusing if you change the material an there is still another image displayed^^