Some excellent models of someone, worth to have a look


I do not know who saw the following models in the next link, but they are excellent and absolutely awesome :

jaw drops

That’s a lotta detail on one page. Can’t decide which model I like best.

somebody has a very fast PC and lost of ram.

the modeled mesh density is amazing. maya has some great tools to attach nurbs patches together which than will have different values of subdivisions.
i love that feature.


Zbrush does wonders huh.

Its not zbrush. He’s a nurbs modeler.

His / her website is here:


qwed88 wrote:
Zbrush does wonders huh.

Its not zbrush. He’s a nurbs modeler.

WOW, Gene Hackmans face is amazing, could of swore that was zbrush

somebody has a very fast PC and lost of ram.

And a lot of time

And skill.

Awe-inspiring work. Interesting to note the work in the “Fine Art” section of his/her website. Well-rounded artist. Combine that stuff with some shaders/textures & the right lighting and it’d rock!