Some faces appear white after UV Mapping


I have created a little “world” which I have UV mapped with some textures. Weirdly, some faces appear white in the 3D view after texturing. This problem does not impact the render, but impacts the 3DS files I export to reload in another environment - which is why I think it’s more than just a display issue in the 3D view. Has anyone seem something like that?

This is not an issue with culling either (textures don’t appear at all from the other side). I’ve tried redoing the UV mapping, even redoing the faces, but the problem won’t go.

Thanks for your help

Check that the UV coords are the same in the original Blender file and the 3DS file. All kinds of crazy things can go on with exporting so that could be one thing to check. Also if you are using a small texture map(s) then the UVs could be leaking over the edge. In this case you could resize the UV islands down. I have had this problem several times where you get white edges on the seam as the colour leaks onto the UV faces.